100 Truths About Human Nature, I collapsed after reading it halfway

6 min readMay 4, 2024

The more people I meet, the more I like dogs.

Most people will want you to live well, but the prerequisite is that they don’t want you to live better than they do.

Is it painful? Don’t talk about it. No one will care about your pain. Some people will use your pain as a basis for conversation.

Don’t tell others your sad stories, most people just laugh.

What many people in the world need is not practical advice, but a well-meaning echo.

The biggest mistake of people is that they love to measure other things by their own preferences.

Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash

Man has an innate, unquenchable desire to judge before he understands.

Most people in the world don’t know how to think with their own heads, and the more people don’t think, the less willing they are to listen to others.

A beggar will not be jealous of a millionaire, but he will certainly be jealous of a beggar who earns more.

People allow a stranger to prosper, but cannot tolerate the promotion of a person around them.

If you give him one yuan a day, he will hate you if you don’t give it for one day!




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