6 Sexy Habits To Drive Someone Wild

5 min readJul 4, 2023


Have you ever wondered which little habits or behaviors you could implement to attract people your way? There are some subtle behaviors that are often seen as sexy, some of which you can make a habit of. You may be wondering what these are. Well, here are six sexy habits that drive others wild with attraction.

Photo by Lee Luis on Unsplash

1. Always Learning

Being smart has its payoffs, and it can be quite a sexy trait. That’s why it might be a good idea to make it a habit to learn something new each and every day. The more knowledge you possess, the more intelligent you may seem to others as they can learn a lot from you. According to a 2019 study, individuals desire partners who are either as smart as them or smarter. In fact, intelligence was particularly valued as a long-term mate. So, it’s time to get studying and become irresistible with your intellect!

2. Relax and Use Calmer Body Language Gestures

Are you a relaxed speaker? Do you use your hands dramatically when you talk to make a point? Well, here’s an interesting finding: using non-threatening cues, such as calmer body language gestures and speaking slowly, can make your newly acquainted date feel more comfortable. In a 2011 experiment by researchers Bob Dennis and Marielle Stel, it was discovered that leaning back and using smaller, more controlled body language gestures contributed to a more relaxed atmosphere during interactions. So, the next time you’re on a date, try incorporating these calm and confident gestures to create a positive impression.

3. Be Mindful During Discussions

When you’re nervous during a date or around your crush, your thoughts can often wander, making mindful discussion sometimes difficult during the first few minutes. However, it’s best to practice mindfulness and remind yourself to be present in the moment. In a 2015 experiment, researchers found that men who actively engaged in a conversation, rather than being distant, were seen as more attractive among heterosexual women. Active listening and being fully present can create a deeper connection and show genuine interest. So, the next time you’re having a conversation, make an effort to be fully engaged and watch the attraction grow.

Photo by Sirio on Unsplash

4. They Don’t Check Their Phones 24/7

How often do you check your phone? Have you ever frequently checked your phone while out on a date? According to research by global tech care company Asurion, Americans check their phones 96 times a day, which means about once every 10 minutes. However, being emotionally present and giving someone undivided attention is often seen as attractive. When someone appears interested in what you have to say and doesn’t constantly check their phone, it shows respect and attentiveness. So, make it a habit to keep your phone in your bag and give your full focus to the person in front of you.

5. Don’t Try to Be Perfect

Do you try to be perfect on a first date? Well, here’s an interesting twist: a bit of imperfection and your capable personality may just make someone wild for you. In fact, research by Elliot Aronson suggests that people find others who aren’t perfectly flawless more attractive. The study involved participants rating test-takers based on their attractiveness. Test-takers who spilled coffee at the end of the interview were rated the highest on the attractiveness scale. This suggests that showing your human side, including the occasional blunder, can make you more relatable and likable

. So, embrace your imperfections and let your genuine self shine through.

6. Say Their Name Often

How often do you hear your name spoken mid-conversation? When someone says your name, it grabs your attention and piques your interest. Our names hold a special place in our hearts, and hearing someone we like say our name can be quite attractive. So, make it a habit to remember people’s names and use them in conversations. By doing so, you show that you value and remember them, creating a deeper connection and making them feel special.

Photo by Iurii Melentsov on Unsplash

Incorporating these six sexy habits into your life can significantly enhance your attractiveness and drive others wild with desire. Always strive to learn, be mindful, and embrace your imperfections. Use calmer body language, keep your phone aside, and remember to say people’s names. These simple yet powerful habits can make a lasting impression on others and increase your chances of forming meaningful connections.

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