6 Surprising Effects of Narcissistic Parenting

3 min readMar 24, 2024

Parenting styles vary as widely as the individuals who practice them, with many falling into two broad categories: authoritative and authoritarian. However, today, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of narcissistic parenting. This style of parenting can be both fascinating and deeply concerning, as it often results in children growing up in unique circumstances. In this blog post, we will explore the surprising effects of narcissistic parenting, shedding light on the challenges faced by both parents and children.

The Essence of Narcissistic Parenting

At its core, narcissistic parenting is characterized by a possessive attitude towards one’s children. Sometimes referred to as “helicopter parenting,” narcissistic parents tend to be overly involved in their child’s life, and this involvement can have far-reaching consequences.

Photo by Humberto Chávez on Unsplash

1. Self-Blame

Children of narcissistic parents often internalize their parents’ behavior, believing that they are the source of the problem. Narcissistic parents typically pay more attention to their child’s mistakes and personal problems, leading the children to blame themselves for any issues that arise. This self-blame can become a self-preserving mechanism as children hope that by fixing themselves, their parents will become more…




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