7 Signs You Will Be In A Relationship Soon

4 min readSep 28, 2023


Getting into a new relationship is a significant life step that should never be taken lightly. It’s crucial to ensure that you are emotionally prepared before embarking on this journey. Whether you’re recovering from a past relationship or wondering if love is in your future, it’s essential to recognize the signs that indicate you may be ready for a new relationship. In this blog post, we will explore seven key signs that suggest you will soon find yourself in a loving and fulfilling relationship.

Photo by Tetiana Kobzeva on Unsplash

1. You’re Not Desperately Searching

One of the most telling signs that you’re ready for a new relationship is when you’re not desperately searching for one. If you feel that you need a relationship to find happiness, it’s time to pause and reflect. True happiness comes from within, and being content and independent is a powerful trait. Dependence on a partner for happiness can hinder personal growth. Being emotionally self-sufficient is a prerequisite for a healthy relationship.

2. You’re Over Your Last Relationship

It may seem obvious, but it’s worth emphasizing: if you’re not over your last relationship, diving into a new one is not advisable. A new partner deserves your full attention and affection, and constantly thinking about your ex or someone else can sabotage your budding romance. Moreover, getting over a past relationship is a vital process that contributes to personal growth. Rushing into a new relationship without closure can turn your new partner into a rebound, which is not fair to them or to you.

3. You’re Ready to Let Your Guard Down

Healthy relationships are built on trust and emotional connection, and this requires letting your guard down. If you still find yourself putting up emotional walls, it can be challenging to connect with others on a deeper level. A willingness to be vulnerable and express your deepest emotions is a sign that you’re prepared for a genuine and meaningful relationship.

Photo by lesha tuman on Unsplash

4. You’re Ready to Adapt and Grow

Being in a serious relationship inevitably changes us as individuals. When we let our guard down around our partners, they have the power to make a profound impact on our lives and perspectives. Being prepared for these changes and being open to adaptation and compromise is essential for a healthy and lasting relationship.

5. You’ve Dealt with Your Inner Demons

We all have inner demons, and there is no shame in acknowledging that. In fact, confronting and dealing with our inner demons makes us stronger and more mature. It allows us to better understand ourselves and, in turn, life itself. Before entering a new relationship, it’s crucial to have a solid grasp of your inner struggles and be well on your way to resolving them.

6. You Don’t Need to Control Others

A common mistake people make is entering new relationships with the intention of controlling their partners. This controlling behavior can stem from issues like narcissistic personality disorder or a desire to possess someone as a status symbol. Instead of seeking to control, a healthy relationship should be about emotional connection and growth with another person. Recognize the difference between a genuine connection between equals and an unhealthy need for control.

7. You Don’t Want to Save or Rescue Your Partner

While it might seem noble to enter a relationship with the intention of helping and rescuing your partner, experts warn that this approach can be detrimental. It can lead to a dynamic resembling that of a dysfunctional parent and child rather than two equal adults in a loving relationship. True connections are built on mutual respect and support, not on one person feeling obligated to save the other.

Photo by lesha tuman on Unsplash

Entering a new relationship is a significant life decision, and it’s important to be fully prepared for it. If you recognize these signs in yourself, you may be well on your way to a fulfilling and loving partnership. However, if you don’t yet see these signs in your life, don’t rush it. Personal growth and self-discovery are valuable journeys that will ultimately lead you to a healthier and more satisfying relationship when the time is right.

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