7 Signs You Will Be In A Relationship Soon

4 min readSep 28, 2023

Getting into a new relationship is a significant life step that should never be taken lightly. It’s crucial to ensure that you are emotionally prepared before embarking on this journey. Whether you’re recovering from a past relationship or wondering if love is in your future, it’s essential to recognize the signs that indicate you may be ready for a new relationship. In this blog post, we will explore seven key signs that suggest you will soon find yourself in a loving and fulfilling relationship.

Photo by Tetiana Kobzeva on Unsplash

1. You’re Not Desperately Searching

One of the most telling signs that you’re ready for a new relationship is when you’re not desperately searching for one. If you feel that you need a relationship to find happiness, it’s time to pause and reflect. True happiness comes from within, and being content and independent is a powerful trait. Dependence on a partner for happiness can hinder personal growth. Being emotionally self-sufficient is a prerequisite for a healthy relationship.

2. You’re Over Your Last Relationship

It may seem obvious, but it’s worth emphasizing: if you’re not over your last relationship, diving into a new one is not advisable. A new partner deserves your full attention and affection, and constantly thinking about your ex or someone else…




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