A happy marriage will give women three kinds of value

5 min readMay 18, 2024

You don’t need a reason to love someone, only if you don’t love someone. Whether a middle-aged person’s marriage is happy and sweet depends on whether the other party will give these values.

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01. Give emotional value.

“Marry a man, marry a man, wear clothes and eat.” But in married life, in addition to the most basic material protection, women naturally want to be favored, and most importantly, enjoy the feeling of being cared for and taken care of.

Therefore, the best way to maintain a marriage relationship is for the man to take charge of the outside and the woman to take charge of the house. One is responsible for making money and supporting the family, and the other is responsible for looking after the house and raising the children. This is where the happiness of “entrusted to you for life” rises.

When a family begins to have many conflicts, the biggest reason is that the “backbone” of the family has lost its due role and can no longer provide a “shelter from wind and rain”. It is very difficult for a woman to persist if she wants to continue. Difficult.

This scene is not the helplessness and helplessness between husband and wife who “love their misfortune and are angry but do not fight”.




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