A truly long-lasting relationship is never maintained by passion, but by two people not getting tired of each other for a long time. Is that you?

6 min readMay 25, 2024

A long time ago, I thought that love was about two people going through ups and downs together and finally choosing each other. But as I grow older, it seems that I no longer expect that kind of ups and downs and sharing hardships in a relationship. On the contrary, my mentality has become much calmer.

I gradually changed my view on love and realized that long-term relationships cannot rely on love at first sight, but need to grow over time. Love, at first sight, is about looks, impulse, and passion, while long-term love requires long-term attraction and understanding between two people, including whether the three views and lifestyles of the two people are consistent.

If you want to have a long-lasting love rather than a short-term relationship, you will find that it is unlikely to maintain a long-term relationship by relying on love at first sight. The impulse and passion generated by love, at first sight, can only last for three months at most.

Love will always become dull in the end. In the beginning, two people will have a sticky, impulsive, and passionate time, but this impulse and passion are not enough to maintain the long-term love between two people. Real long-term feelings are never maintained by passion but by long-term companionship.




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