A woman suddenly becomes beautiful and has a gentle face.

5 min readApr 17, 2024

If a woman suddenly becomes beautiful and has a gentle face, there must be no escape from this reason.

Photo by Yarden on Unsplash

1. Know how to love yourself and respect your own feelings

“Those who give joy to life must be those who themselves are filled with the joy of life.

A person who does not love himself will neither be a lovable person nor can he truly love others. “

A woman who knows how to love herself can fully respect her own feelings, fill her life with joy, and love others bravely.

Anna, 57, like many traditional women, spent the first half of her life working hard at home and in society.

Love her children, love her husband, take care of her family, and educate your children and grandchildren.

But my husband is not gentle and considerate, and all expenses in daily life are Split the bill.

When Anna was not working, she was scolded by her husband. In simple daily interactions, she was often criticized by her husband for trivial matters.

Her love and dedication to her family were taken for granted, but what she got for her devoted family was endless pain and loss.




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