A woman who is over 50 years old and still has this mentality towards marriage will probably be a failure in her life.

8 min readMay 9, 2024

I found that many people have this idea in marriage: I have no other requirements for you, as long as you don’t cheat. But in the end, you find that he can’t even do this. So you begin to wonder: Is it difficult for two people in a marriage to be loyal to each other? Why can’t we meet such a basic requirement?

Photo by Carly Rae Hobbins on Unsplash

Why can’t our marriages be happy?

01. The more we defend against something, the more we will promote it.

Have you ever discovered that whether we are in a marriage or daily life, sometimes the more we fear, the more things we fear will become reality? Just like Murphy’s law, the more you don’t want something to happen, the more it will develop in the direction you don’t want to happen. For example, my expectation for marriage is that we should at least be loyal to each other. As long as we don’t cheat during the marriage, the marriage can continue.

Then finally one day, the other party cheated on her… Why did this happen?

I once had a friend who wanted a divorce because her husband cheated on her. She said: “I bumped into him before. He was crossing the road with that…




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