After a couple has sex, women should avoid these two habits, which are comfortable but unhealthy

5 min read4 days ago

Tips for women’s health after sex

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about a more private but very important topic — women’s health after sex. Many people may not know that some “comfortable” habits after sex are not good for health. Traditional Medicine conforms to the laws of nature, so this is no exception. Now, I will give you some tips and tell you which habits we need to change.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Take a shower immediately

First of all, many people like to take a shower immediately after sex, thinking that this is both refreshing and hygienic; but in fact, this habit is not good; sex is an activity that consumes physical energy. After sex, the body is in a state of relaxation, and the pores are open. Taking a shower immediately at this time, especially a cold shower, can easily lead to the invasion of cold air, causing problems such as irregular menstruation and colds;

Recommendation: After sex, you can rest for ten to fifteen minutes and wait for your body to gradually return to normal before taking a shower. If you are concerned about hygiene, you can wipe your private parts with a warm, wet towel. Remember, a warm bath is the best choice, as it can both cleanse and relax…




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