After dating for a long time, you can judge a man very accurately.

3 min readAug 8, 2024


1.A guy says he is slow to warm up — that’s just bullshit.

2. He always compliments you on your beauty — maybe he is just being polite.
3. He takes the initiative to ask for your contact information — maybe
he is just casting a wide net.

4. He frequently invites you to dinner but doesn’t talk about in-depth topics — maybe he is just trying to kill time.
5. He says he fell in love with you at first sight — don’t take it too seriously, he may just be saying it casually.
6. Drive to pick you up and serve you food — the peacock spreading tail stage does not represent any intention.
7. Good conditions but stingy — the value you have shown so far is not worth my spending money on.
8. I think you are pretty good — I can get in touch with you, but I am not crazy about you yet.
9. I wanted to give you xxx — just a thought and it doesn’t cost any money.
10. Let’s start by being friends — I am not interested in you and I will probably not be interested in you in the future.

Photo by NATHAN MULLET on Unsplash

11. Don’t want to fall in love now — I don’t want to fall in love with you now.
12. Emphasize how much money has been spent — ​​hint that you should give him some benefits.
13. Send you messages frequently — I am a little crazy about you.
14. Send you various photos — double crazy about you.
15. Chat frequency decreases — entering the realistic stage of fading enthusiasm.

16. Rarely offline after the first meeting but chat frequently — the situation is complicated, it is probably laziness or social phobia, and there is a chance of keeping fish.
17. Talk more offline than online — self-management of chatterboxes
18. Don’t post photos — think you are ugly and introverted
19. Slow to reply to messages and don’t take the initiative to make offline appointments — don’t take this blind date seriously
20. Average financial conditions, all dating expenses are covered — have a good impression of you and are willing to contact

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21. Seriously raise your questions — your behavior has indeed caused him trouble (it is recommended that you reflect on yourself at this time)
22. Hint of a leapfrog relationship shortly after meeting — want to get you but may not cherish you
23. Always say that you are busy with work — maybe you don’t want to invest too much energy.
24. The chat is always about yourself — more self-centered.
25. Hot and cold towards you — may be in contact with multiple people at the same time.
26. Disappear from time to time — don’t value this relationship.
27. Always say what will happen in the future — just empty talk.
28. Show enthusiasm for your interests and hobbies, but forget about it afterward — just cater to the moment.
29. Often mention your achievements — may be more vain.
30. Always emphasize your single status — may be hinting that you take the initiative.
31. Says he will correct his shortcomings but never takes action — just talks.
32. Always interrupt you when chatting — no respect.
33. Never mentions plans — probably never thought about long-term development with you.

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