After experiencing the “pain of betrayal”, you should understand that there are 4 things you can no longer ignore

8 min readMay 18, 2024

After experiencing betrayal, how to face the next life?

Many betrayed people do not consciously think about this issue because the pain takes up too much energy.

Therefore, in terms of living habits and living conditions, the betrayed person may still continue the previous living conditions, and at the same time add a layer of worry-related pain to himself.

Worry: The future will be affected by betrayal and it will be difficult to be happy again.

Pain: You cannot turn back time when you encounter betrayal.

Photo by Tani Eisenstein on Unsplash

In such a state, no matter what choice you make, whether to end the marriage or forgive the betrayal, the following days will not be easy, and it will be harder to get closer to happiness.

The pain caused by betrayal and worries about the future will be like waves, recurring again and again, allowing the betrayed to repeatedly experience the uneasiness and grievance caused by worry and pain.

Therefore, for the betrayed, how to choose after experiencing betrayal is very important, and the subsequent emotional life requires a choice; but the state in which to live after experiencing betrayal is more




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