Apple Apple car electric vehicle tire dead belly, transition to generated AI

3 min readMar 2, 2024

The outside media reported that Apple had canceled the electric vehicle planning that was launched 10 years ago, and the research funding would be transferred to the generated artificial wisdom. Taken from Apple

Media such as Reuters and the United Kingdom 「 Financial Times 」 quoted reports from people familiar with the matter today,Apple(Apple) canceled the electric vehicle drawing started 10 years ago, and the research funding will be transferredGenerative artificial wisdom(AI).

Apple’s stock price rose 0.7% in the afternoon and recovered a slight decline earlier.

According to (Bloomberg News ), which is the first to report on related developments, multiple employees responsible for electric vehicle drawing will be transferred to Apple’s AI department. According to reports, unnamed sources revealed that Apple announced the matter internally today, which surprised nearly 2,000 employees involved in the project.

Apple declined to comment on this.

Reuters pointed out that high-interest rate measures taken to curb inflation have weakened consumer confidence, leading to a slowdown in demand for electric vehicles, which is usually higher, prompting layoffs and production cuts in the electric vehicle industry. Electric…




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