Are Google’s Chrome and Microsoft’s Edge still dominant? The latest AI browser Arc turns out to be

5 min readMar 12, 2024
The new startup The Broswer Company recently launched the AI ​​browser “Arc”. Some reporters even said, “After using it, you can’t go back to the original Chrome.” Taken from

Do Google ’s Chrome and Microsoft ’s Edge have new rivals? The new startup The Broswer Company recently launched the AI ​​browser “Arc”. Some reporters even said, “After using it, you can’t go back to the original Chrome.” “Foresight” will take you to take stock of which of these three browsers compares. Easy to use?

For many years, Google has been the first stop for people to surf the Internet and find information. Many competitors want a piece of the pie, but they have never been able to shake Google’s influence. Until now, the AI ​​trend has swept the world. After major technology companies began to integrate AI with browsers, an AI browser emerged that was rated as a Google Chrome alternative by the technology media “The Verge”: Arc!

Not just a browser, but the “operating system of the Internet”

“The Verge” reported that Arc was launched by a new startup, The Broswer Company. This AI browser has the same core chromium as Chrome, but the way it operates is completely different from other browsers, and it takes some time to get used to it.

The Broswer Company, which launched Arc, was founded in 2019 by former meta employees Hursh Agrawal and Josh Miller. The…




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