Before becoming a husband, a truly smart person will ask him for two things.

4 min readMar 30, 2024


In my hometown, there is an old saying: “In-laws, in-laws, in-laws.”

This means that if you marry your daughter to someone else’s child, or if you marry your son to someone else’s daughter, then the two of you will have to live together in the future.

However, in today’s society, people are no longer limited to this kind of thinking in the past.

Some parents no longer think that the in-law relationship is a constraint because they think that as long as their daughter lives well, that’s all.

But I think that no matter what the situation is, you should consider whether the other party has these two things before becoming an in-law.

If he doesn’t have one, don’t start.

If he has it, then you need to see if you have these two things.

Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

1. Must have good financial conditions, preferably a certain amount of savings.

If your daughter marries a rich man, it means that her quality of life will be much better than that of ordinary people in the future.

However, if your son marries someone from a poor family, then you will feel that your future life will be miserable.

Therefore, before becoming an in-law, you must consider whether the other party has good financial conditions. If the other person doesn’t have one, don’t start.

Moreover, I think it is best if the other party has a certain amount of savings, because if your own family has no money, then the other party will definitely not live with you.

If your family is rich, then even if the other person doesn’t want to live with you, you can hire a nanny to take care of her. This can avoid many problems.

No matter which situation it is, the most important thing is to look at the other party’s economic conditions.

If the other party’s financial situation is not good, or if the family does not have much savings, then it is best not to start.

Because this situation will bring a lot of trouble in future life.

I believe many parents have thought about this: As long as my daughter lives well, that’s all.

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

2. Ask them for their determination to fulfill their promise

If the other person really loves you, then he will definitely do something for you. That’s why he helps you when he’s in trouble.

This is why we often say that falling in love is a very simple thing. But it is very difficult to fall in love.

Because everyone has their own ideas and plans, and it is impossible to change their ideas and plans because of you.

If when you are in love, the other person has the determination to fulfill his promise, then when you get married, you will live a happy life.

Therefore, if you want the other party to fulfill his promise, you must first see if he is willing to give everything to you.

If he really loves you, then he will do something for you to make you happy;

If hejust wants to play with you, then he will not give everything he has for you.

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

In our daily lives, for various reasons, two families come together and become one family.

However, parents must know that the beginning of a marriage is not the entire reason for two people to come together.

Because the relationship between the two families is different, the three views and personalities of the two people are different.

This also leads to conflicts and conflicts in many families when they first get married.

But if parents can have a good relationship with each other’s families before getting married, your life will be easier in the future.

Therefore, I hope all parents can make preparations before getting married.

If the other party has these two things, then you can safely let the other party enter your home.

These two things are one family’s respect for you; and another family’s trust in you.

Only if the two of you respect and trust each other can you get along better and better in the future.

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