Complaining is equivalent to walking barefoot on a gravel road, while optimism is a pair of solid shoes.

7 min readMar 16, 2024

Complaining is equivalent to walking barefoot on a gravel road, while optimism is a pair of solid shoes.

There are too many people in this world, too little love, suffering is unbearable, and money is hard to make.

Many people feel that life is tiring, so complaining becomes the most convenient way to vent their anger.

But in addition to the immediate short-term benefits, complaining often not only fails to solve the problem, but also worsens it.

If you become addicted to complaining, you will not only be annoyed by others, but you will also be impatient all day long.

In daily life, we often see people who are dissatisfied with almost everything, as if they were royal ladies in their previous lives and cannot accept their current ordinary life.

There was a couple who had conflicts every day after getting married, and finally went to see the famous psychologist Ericson.

After listening to the endless complaints from both parties, Lao Ai said: “Is the purpose of your marriage in the first place just to complain about these endless quarrels?”

The couple were speechless after hearing this. It is said that they fell in love with each other again later.




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