Crack the Code: Learn How Women Truly Desire to Be Talked to!

5 min readJul 4, 2023

How Women Want You To Talk To Them

Many men find it challenging to approach and talk to women they are interested in. The fear of rejection and lack of confidence often hold them back from taking action. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of being courageous and authentic when engaging in conversations with women. By understanding what women truly want, you can improve your chances of building meaningful connections. So, let’s dive in!

Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence

1. The Story of Jeffrey and Adonis

The story of Jeffrey, who had a crush on Jessica but never mustered the courage to speak to her, highlights the common fear men experience. On the other hand, Adonis, who understands women, embraces conversations with confidence and excitement. It’s crucial to recognize that being shy and waiting for the “right time” can make you appear less attractive. Women are attracted to courageous and confident men who take action, regardless of their fears.

  1. Example: Jeffrey, a shy individual, had a crush on Jessica for a long time but couldn’t gather the courage to approach her. Instead, he silently admired her from a distance. However, when Jessica started dating someone else…




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