Cracking the Guy Code: 8 Signs He Secretly Likes You

5 min readJun 30, 2023


7 Things That Make Others Subconsciously Attracted to You

Photo by Nora Hutton on Unsplash

Are you interested in learning about the factors that make people attracted to each other? While physical appearance plays a role, there are other aspects of attraction that go beyond looks. Discover the secret factors that attract people to each other. It’s not just about looks — delve into seven intriguing aspects of attraction and enhance your desirability. Keep reading to find out more. In this article, we will explore seven intriguing factors that can subconsciously make others attracted to you. So, if you’re curious about enhancing your desirability, keep reading!

1. The Mysterious Allure of Sunglasses

Have you ever wondered why sunglasses make people look cool? According to Vannessa Brown, a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, sunglasses can contribute to overall facial symmetry by concealing any imperfections around the eyes. Additionally, they create an air of mystery by hiding the eyes, which are considered significant sources of information and vulnerability. So, next time you don a stylish pair of shades, remember that they may enhance your attractiveness subconsciously.

2. The Power of Androgyny

A study conducted by Dr. Linda A. Jackson from Michigan State University found that individuals with both feminine and masculine attributes are often perceived as more attractive. Androgynous individuals were considered better adjusted, more likable, and even had advantages in the occupational domain compared to those who exhibited solely masculine or feminine traits. So, embracing a blend of gender-linked characteristics might amplify your appeal to others.

Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

3. Kindness: A Secret Ingredient of Attractiveness

Being kind not only has a positive impact on your relationships but can also enhance your physical attractiveness. A study from China revealed that people who displayed positive personality traits were rated as more attractive when compared to those with negative or neutral personality descriptions. This phenomenon, known as the halo effect, suggests that acts of kindness can increase perceptions of facial attractiveness. So, remember to be kind — it pays off in more ways than one.

4. Unleash the Pet Lover Within You

If you’ve ever dreamed of owning a pet, here’s another reason to consider it. French social psychologists conducted an experiment where a young man named Antoine approached women to ask for their phone numbers. Half of the women were approached by Antoine alone, while the other half encountered Antoine accompanied by an adorable gray dog named Gwendu. Surprisingly, Antoine’s chances of getting a phone number increased from 10% to 30% when Gwendu was present. Owning a pet demonstrates responsibility, care, and commitment, qualities that can make you more attractive to others. In fact, research led by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, discovered that a significant number of men and women found pet owners more appealing. So, consider adopting a furry friend and watch your attractiveness soar.

5. Emotional Expression and Empathy

Effective communication and emotional understanding are vital in any relationship. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explored whether people are attracted to those whose emotions they can easily comprehend. The results revealed that participants felt more attracted to individuals whose emotional expressions they believed they could understand. The study also indicated that neural activity in the participants’ reward circuits correlated with their ability to decode others’ behavior. Therefore, expressing your emotions and observing the emotions of others can foster a stronger attraction.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

6. The Allure of the Tilted Head

Did you know that the angle at which you tilt your head can affect how attractive you appear? A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Etiology found that a downward tilt of the head, combined with cues of fertility, contributed

to a woman’s perceived attractiveness. The research showed that portraits of women with a downward head tilt were rated as more behaviorally alluring. So, the next time you strike a pose, consider tilting your head slightly downward for an added touch of allure.

7. The Melodic Charisma of Music

Playing a musical instrument can make you even more attractive to others, particularly for women. A research study from the University College Dublin revealed that individuals who can compose and play complex music are seen as more attractive. The ability to create intricate music is associated with advanced cognitive abilities, which may be evolutionarily desirable to women seeking potential partners. So, if you’ve always wanted to learn an instrument, don’t hesitate to pursue your musical ambitions — it might just boost your attractiveness.

Photo by Rick Gebhardt on Unsplash

Attractiveness encompasses more than mere physical appearance. By incorporating these seven factors into your life, you can enhance your desirability on a subconscious level. Remember, wearing sunglasses adds an air of mystery, embracing androgyny can boost likability, kindness amplifies facial attractiveness, owning a pet showcases responsibility, emotional expression fosters connections, tilting your head adds allure, and playing a musical instrument can make you more appealing. So, whether you’re seeking to catch someone’s eye or deepen existing relationships, keep these factors in mind and watch the magic unfold.

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Written by 2bebetter

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."

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