Dangerous Attractions: 7 Warning Signs of Falling for the Wrong Person

5 min readJul 3, 2023


Falling for The Wrong Person Comes in “7 Reasons”

We want to express our gratitude for the tremendous support and love you’ve shown us. Your ongoing support has been instrumental in making psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone, and that’s truly amazing. So, give yourselves a pat on the back. Today, we’re going to delve into a topic that many of you might resonate with — falling for the wrong person. If you find yourself stuck in relationships that cause more harm than good, we’re here to shed light on seven likely reasons behind this pattern.

Photo by Erriko Boccia on Unsplash

Reason 1: Portraying Yourself as Someone You’re Not

In the online world of dating, platforms like Tinder and Bumble have made it increasingly easy to present ourselves as someone else. You might feel the need to mold your identity to fit in or believe that certain aspects of your true self won’t be attractive to others. For instance, you might love playing video games but fear it won’t be appealing to potential partners. In such cases, people tend to switch out their genuine hobbies for something they perceive as more appealing, such as going to the gym. However, disguising your true self can lead to mismatched connections.

Reason 2: Building a Fantasy Before Meeting

When you have limited information about someone from their online dating profile, it’s natural to fill in the gaps with your imagination. This tendency often leads to overthinking and clinging to false ideas about the person you’re yet to meet. The anticipation of the first meeting can create unrealistic expectations, setting the stage for heartbreak. To avoid this, it’s crucial to see your potential partner for who they truly are, rather than the version you’ve fabricated in your mind.

Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

Reason 3: Believing You’re Unworthy of Love

Humans are complex beings, and our past experiences or relationships can significantly impact our self-perception. If you harbor negative thoughts about yourself, it can undermine your chances of finding a suitable partner. Thoughts like “I’m not good-looking enough” or “I’m just not good enough for anyone” can hinder genuine connections. When you enter a first date with self-doubt, it becomes challenging to form a meaningful bond. It’s important to recognize your worth and work on self-acceptance before seeking a fulfilling relationship.

Reason 4: Unrealistically High Standards

Do you believe in finding the perfect partner? Holding on to impossibly high standards can be a roadblock to finding genuine love. While it’s natural to desire certain qualities in a partner, seeking perfection can be detrimental. Over time, you may realize that the people you deemed “perfect” fall short of your expectations. Lowering your standards can help you find meaningful connections and discover the qualities that truly matter in a relationship.

Reason 5: Indiscriminate Generosity

Generosity and kindness are admirable traits, but when taken to the extreme, they can lead to unhealthy dynamics. Some individuals with generous hearts often find themselves in relationships where their kindness is repeatedly exploited. Being indiscriminately generous may attract toxic individuals who take advantage of your selflessness. It’s essential to establish healthy boundaries and ensure that your kindness is reciprocated in a mutually respectful manner.

Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash

Reason 6: Fixing Others Instead of Focusing on Yourself

Do you have a tendency to fix others? It’s common to wish to improve the lives of those close to us, but fixing others can become problematic. Trying to fix your partner often creates an imbalanced and unsustainable dynamic. It’s crucial to focus

on your own personal growth and well-being rather than solely dedicating your energy to fixing someone else. Encourage your partner’s growth, but remember that each person is responsible for their own journey.

Reason 7: Seeking Someone You Think You Need

Looking for a partner who fulfills all your emotional and physical needs is a common desire. However, it’s important to understand that no one can single-handedly make you feel complete or fulfill all your needs. Seeking a partner based on dependency can lead to an unhealthy and suffocating relationship. While it’s beneficial to have someone to rely on, it’s equally important to cultivate independence and find happiness within yourself.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

We’ve explored the seven likely reasons behind falling for the wrong person. It’s essential to be true to yourself, maintain realistic expectations, and prioritize personal growth before seeking a partner. Remember, the right person will be attracted to your authentic self. If you resonate with any of the situations discussed, take a moment to reflect on your experiences. By understanding these patterns, you can break free from harmful relationships and open yourself up to genuine love.

I hope today’s sharing is helpful to you. If you have any questions, or suggestions, or want to hear me share other content, please leave a message to me!

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