Do you know Someone Is Pretending To Like You

6 min readMar 29, 2024

Love and relationships can be complex, and understanding someone’s true feelings might seem like a daunting task. Love is no exception to this rule. If you find yourself questioning your partner’s intentions or want to be certain about their genuineness, let’s explore eight signs that someone may be pretending to like you.

Photo by Yuriy Yosipiv on Unsplash

1. They’re Only Affectionate in Public

I once dated someone who would shower me with affection whenever we were out in public. Holding hands, sweet gestures, and plenty of public displays of affection were common occurrences. However, behind closed doors, the affection dwindled, and intimacy seemed lacking. It made me question the authenticity of their feelings, as it felt like they were more concerned with appearances than genuine connection.

Think about how your partner shows affection towards you — whether it’s through a touch, a kiss, or a hug. Pay attention to when they choose to do this. If they display affection solely in public but seem distant in private, it might be a red flag. This behavior could indicate that they are only showing affection for appearances’ sake or to keep up the illusion of a healthy relationship, while their true feelings may not match their actions.

2. They Prefer to Spend Time with Friends




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