Do you know the best age to start sexual activity?

4 min read4 days ago

In recent years, news about early love and early sexual maturity among primary school students has been heard from time to time. Although these problems are no longer surprising, premature sexual behavior, especially for women, is extremely harmful.

First, it is easy to cause reproductive system infection. The reproductive organs of underage girls are not fully developed, so sexual intercourse during the vulnerable period of the reproductive system may lead to lesions or infections, such as vaginitis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc. Although these diseases are not serious, they are very difficult to treat once they are repeatedly infected. Chinese medicine is needed to slowly regulate the disease, such as taking the Chinese medicine Fuyan Pills orally.

Photo by alan caishan on Unsplash

The risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases will increase. Because minors lack awareness of sexual protection, they usually choose to give up using protective measures in pursuit of excitement during sexual intercourse, which greatly increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. In recent years, the age of onset of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS and syphilis in my country has become younger and younger, and the incidence rate has become higher and higher, which is related to this.




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