Don’t do these 5 things If you are bullied by your colleagues in the workplace

6 min readApr 27, 2024

In the company, many people bully others and fear others. People with this “problem” never feel uneasy about their conscience. Instead, they feel that this is their “magic weapon” to settle down and live in peace, and they want to use it as their “ trump card “ at any time.

Whether you are a “newcomer” who has just joined the company or a “veteran” who has been on the battlefield for a long time, you have to compete with these people all the time.

If you are weak, he will be strong; if you are strong, he will be weak. After getting along for a long time, you will find that if you want to get rid of the label of “a doormat”, you should stop doing these things.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Don’t tell your family about your grievances.

When an adult is wronged outside, the most immature behavior is to go home and tell his parents or lover, or even sigh in front of his children.

They will all think: “You are incompetent.” They want to give you advice and ask you to “retaliate” harshly, but they are afraid that if they break up, your situation will be even more difficult. I want you to learn to be patient and accumulate strong strength, and then take “revenge with one stone”, but I feel that you are useless.




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