Fun Secrets About INFJ

4 min readMar 25, 2024


## Unveiling the Enigmatic World of INFJs

If you’ve ever heard of the MBTI test, it’s shorthand for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which was first published in 1943. Astonishingly, this personality assessment tool still holds immense significance today, finding applications in diverse fields such as marital counseling, relationship compatibility assessment, career selection, and personal development. As enthusiasts of psychology and personality types, we’ve embarked on an exciting journey to explore all sixteen personality types. Today, we delve into the intricate world of INFJs, often referred to as “The Advocates.” Join us as we uncover seven fascinating secrets about INFJs that make them truly unique.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

1. They’re Magical Unicorns (Not Literally)

While they may not possess horns or hooves, INFJs are, statistically speaking, the rarest personality type in the world. To be precise, only one to two percent of the global population identifies as INFJs, and there are slightly more females than males among them. This rarity contributes to their enigmatic aura, and it’s no wonder they are often considered mysterious creatures.

2. They Put the ‘Book’ in Bookworm

INFJs are classic introverts who relish the solitude of a good book. They derive immense joy from spending hours lost in the world of literature. Learning new things and cultivating a wide array of interests is second nature to them. Whether it’s delving into the annals of history, getting lost in the enchanting world of Hogwarts, or dissecting the intricacies of psychology, INFJs are avid seekers of knowledge. So, if your INFJ friend hasn’t replied to your text, they might be off on a mental adventure, possibly boarding Platform Nine and Three-Quarters!

3. They Know How to Climb the Social Ladder

Consider INFJs as the ‘go-getters’ of society. They possess an innate ability to climb mountains when they see them, metaphorically speaking. Driven by ambition and a relentless pursuit of knowledge, INFJs are always open to self-improvement. However, their determination can sometimes lead them to push themselves too hard. Think of iconic INFJ characters like Charlie from “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” or Holden Caulfield from “The Catcher in the Rye” — they epitomize the relentless drive that INFJs often embody.

4. Mood Whisperers

The moment an INFJ walks into a room, they have an uncanny ability to absorb and sense everyone’s moods. This intuitive gift is one of their defining traits. Whether it’s detecting subtle shifts in energy or empathizing with the emotional state of others, INFJs excel at tuning into the emotional frequencies around them.

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5. They Love a Good Puzzle

While INFJs may come across as reserved and introspective, don’t let their quiet demeanor fool you. They relish a good challenge and are avid problem solvers. With their rich inner lives and propensity for deep thinking, INFJs are known for their capacity to tackle complex puzzles and delve into ethical quandaries with gusto.

6. They’re Classy AF

INFJs have an innate appreciation for the finer things in life. Whether it’s savoring a glass of exquisite wine or adorning themselves with a pair of snazzy Oxford shoes, they are drawn to sophistication. Looking and feeling good is a priority for them. You’re more likely to find an INFJ with one or two high-quality items than a closet full of inexpensive ones.

7. Masters of Routine

INFJs excel at bringing order to chaos. From meticulously filing papers at work to color-coding bookshelves, they have an innate talent for organizing. Their bullet journals are a testament to their meticulous nature, and they approach each day with a well-thought-out plan. INFJs are known for being prepared, punctual, and persistent, making them reliable and trustworthy individuals.

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Are you an INFJ? Do you resonate with these traits? We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Feel free to share in the comments below. Stay tuned, as we will continue exploring the rest of the personality types. And remember, your comment could be featured in our next video!

Thank you for joining us in unraveling the captivating world of INFJs, the Advocates. Until next time!

In this blog post, we’ve delved into the intriguing world of INFJs, exploring their unique qualities and characteristics. From their rare status in the population to their love for knowledge and sophistication, INFJs are truly a fascinating personality type. If you’re an INFJ, we hope you found this post relatable, and if not, stay tuned as we continue to explore the diverse world of personality types.

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