How do dogs perceive television or electronic screens?

6 min readJan 22, 2024

Have you ever wondered how dogs perceive television or electronic screens?
Well, dogs can see images on screens, but they perceive them differently than humans.
Their vision is not as sharp as ours, so they might only see some of the details.
But they can still see movement, and that’s what catches their attention.
Dogs are more sensitive to motion and have a higher flicker rate than humans.
They can detect changes on the screen that we might not notice.
Color vision is not as important to dogs so they might see everything in shades of gray.
That’s why some experts suggest using black-and-white images for dog-friendly videos.
Dogs might also be more interested in sounds that come from the screen.
They have a keen sense of hearing, and certain frequencies might grab their attention.
However, not all dogs react the same way to screens.
Some might show curiosity or interest, while others might ignore them completely.
It depends on the individual dog’s personality and past experiences with screens.
It’s important to note that excessive screen time can be harmful to a dog’s well-being.
They still need physical exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction more than screen time.
So, while it can be entertaining to watch television with your dog, remember to balance it with other activities.




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