How Does The Attachment Theory Affect Your Childhood Life?

5 min readMar 29, 2024

Do you ever catch yourself doing something like having a mini panic attack when you’re asked to speak in front of others or maybe needing to be the center of attention all the time, then wonder why do I do that? Part of the answer lies in how you bonded with your parents during your childhood. The way you were raised, where you were raised, and your relationship with your family shape a large part of who you’ll become as an adult.

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The Development of Attachment Styles

One of the ways your childhood molds you into the person you are is the development of your attachment style. We will talk about the four attachment styles and how they can impact various aspects of your life, such as work, school, relationships, and even in times of crisis.

Understanding Attachment Styles

The concept of attachment styles originates from the research of psychologists Harry Harlow and John Bowlby. The mental health community uses the phrase “attachment style” to describe the ways we interact with and attach to others throughout our lives. Your attachment style is first formed by the way you bond with your caregivers as an infant, and it continues to be shaped throughout your childhood.




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