The Language of Missing You: How a Woman’s Contact Reveals Her Yearning

5 min readJan 27, 2023
Photo by Alan Rojo Pinedo on Unsplash

If a woman doesn’t have your place in her heart and doesn’t think about having a good relationship with you, she will be lukewarm to you in daily life, and will not take your affairs seriously. When she meets you, she will just be with you. You nodded, or simply exchanged a few words with you, and didn’t have much in common with you.

After breaking up with you, a woman lacks interest in your affairs and seldom cares about your dynamics. When you discuss things with her, she always avoids you and is unwilling to express opinions on your affairs. This shows that women do not want to Don’t be stupid and ignorant of their affairs.

On the contrary, if a woman holds you in her heart and values ​​the relationship between you, she will maintain the relationship between you with all her heart, treat you wholeheartedly in daily life, and when she can’t see you, she will think of you and often Take the initiative to contact you, especially at some special moments, she will often appear in front of you and give you unexpected surprises. In fact, how much a woman misses you can be seen from the way she contacts you, don’t be stupid and don’t understand.




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