How to make a woman love you forever: The best way is to learn to be sincere and do three things with your heart

5 min readMay 25, 2024


How can you make the one you love love you wholeheartedly? The sublimation of love comes from being sincere and attentive, making the other person feel that meeting you is the right person.

However, what can make a girl fall in love with a man is never his money or appearance. It is his responsibility, preference, sense of security, dedication, values, growth, and details.

Photo by Nora Hutton on Unsplash

01. Be good to your lover and make the woman feel a sense of belonging

The love that girls want is preference, pampering, partiality, first choice, exception, selfishness and possessiveness, and uniqueness. The sense of security they want is not how much you like her, but your preference and exception for her. Only this feeling can make girls have a sense of belonging.

As the saying goes: How you treat me is how I treat you.

If you give her full love, then they will respond to you with the same love. What can make a girl fall in love with you is your dedication, loyalty, and preference for her.

I have seen such a sentence: If what you give me is the same as what others give me, then I don’t want it.

The sense of belonging I want is that when I act unreasonably, everyone looks at me with a stern face, but you can still smile at me lovingly.

The sense of belonging I want is that when there is only one piece of meat left in your bowl, you will still give it to me without hesitation.

The sense of belonging I want is that when everyone in the world thinks I am not good, you will still stand up and speak for me, and always think I am the best.

It is said that a sense of belonging is a strong desire to be together, and you are the only one who can be with you. I think when a girl feels this way about you, she must be attracted to you.

Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

02. Grow yourself and let your lover admire you

Love is not just about loving someone’s specialness without hesitation, but it is more difficult to learn to love someone’s ordinaryness, understand each other, favor each other, and feel sorry for each other. In other words, you need to love her cuteness, reserve, and kindness, but also her stubbornness and desolation.

In this contradictory and irreconcilable situation, the only way is to keep growing yourself and be her exclusive guide in love or life. I think she will appreciate and respect you.

It is said that love is superior to appreciation, and there is some truth to it.

Love is meant to experience life, affirm the meaning of existence, project unique desires onto the unique other person, see one’s limitations, weaknesses, and true human nature, learn and grow from them, experience the meaning of this life, and learn self-improvement and gratitude in the process of giving.

Life needs exploration and continuous growth. A woman loves you not only because she likes how good you are to her, but also because she likes to see you working hard for your future. This will make her love for you grow day by day.

The most important meaning of love is to cultivate yourself and grow through getting along with each other. I think this kind of love is positive and heartfelt, and it can make girls look at you differently and be devoted to you.

Photo by Nora Hutton on Unsplash

03. Cultivate yourself and become well-rounded and wise

In love, the existence of a lover can make us see shortcomings that we were originally invisible to, but these shortcomings already exist in our hearts. This is why love can be tiring.

After being in a relationship for some time, you may notice that the other person has some shortcomings that you cannot tolerate.

Or, you may find that your communication patterns and ways of resolving disputes make you feel tired of this relationship and you want to let go.

So please remember that this is an opportunity, an opportunity for you to become a better person, not a reason to break up.

Everyone’s different growth experiences will shape different behavioral patterns. These patterns are acquired through our imitation in childhood, but when we cannot judge whether it is right or wrong, it is engraved in our minds.

When we communicate with others in the future, we will use this method as a template to deal with problems encountered in life.

When conflicts occur, some people will resolve them through peaceful communication, some will resolve them through fierce arguments, and some will resolve them through the Cold War.

Resolving conflicts in the right way will not make you feel tired in this relationship, but using the wrong way to get along will make both of you exhausted and use up all your energy.

Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

Therefore, in a long-term intimate relationship, the closer the relationship, the easier it is to expose our growth flaws. We should cultivate ourselves during this period, make ourselves better to each other, and become more rounded, wise, and tolerant.

This kind of love is the most correct one and is the only way to maintain mutual affection.

Time has passed, and when I read the book “May Someone Accompany You in Your Wanderings” again, I was still moved to tears. But my mood is no longer the same as it was then. At that time, I felt that the male protagonist in the original book was daring to love and hate, young and frivolous, full of passion and youth.

When I watch it again now, I feel that letting time take away fake friends and fake love is the most correct way to avoid it. Of course, I no longer feel regret for the heroine’s loss of love.

The three correct perspectives of loving someone are to be sincere to her, to give her a full sense of security, and to want to make yourself better because it is her… Of course, if I can meet such a boy in the future, I think I will be devoted to him.

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