How to use OpenAI Sora? An artificial intelligence model capable of generating ultra-realistic videos

3 min readMar 11, 2024
OpenAI’s recently released Sora can generate ultra-realistic videos up to one minute long. Provided by Square Grid

Today I want to introduce to you a very powerful artificial intelligence model called Sora , which was recently released by OpenAI . Sora can generate ultra-realistic videos up to a minute long, and can add specific actions and scenes on command. The quality of this kind of film is far higher than before, and it represents that artificial intelligence film production has entered a new stage. Let’s take a look at Sora’s technical details, potential applications, and possible impacts!

Technical details of Sora

Sora is an artificial intelligence model that uses a diffusion model to generate videos. Diffusion modeling is a technique that can reconstruct clear images from random noise. It can produce high-resolution and high-quality images. Sora applies this technology to video generation, first cutting the video into small “patches”, then gradually restoring each patch from the noise, and finally splicing all the patches together to form a complete video.

Sora can generate a video based on a text description, such as “A cat plays in the grass,” or modify it based on a starting image, such as “Replace the person in this photo with Iron Man.” Sora can also output videos in different resolutions, from 64x64 to…




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