If Someone is Not Into You (But Aren’t Telling You)

5 min readMar 31, 2024

Are you having trouble deciphering someone’s feelings towards you? It can be challenging to determine whether someone is truly interested in you or not. Sometimes, people may not explicitly express their lack of interest, leaving you in a state of confusion. In this blog post, we will explore six signs that indicate someone is not into you, even if they aren’t telling you directly.

Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash

1. Lack of Engagement in Conversations

I remember talking to someone I was interested in, but they seemed more engrossed in their phone than in our conversation. It felt like I was talking to a wall, and their lack of engagement made me realize that they probably weren’t as interested in me as I thought.

During your interactions with this person, pay close attention to their level of engagement. Look beyond their dreamy eyes and notice whether they are actively listening to what you have to say. Are they present in the moment, or do they seem distracted?

Watch out for signs such as constantly checking their phone, scanning the room aimlessly, or diverting their attention elsewhere. If they frequently fail to engage with you emotionally or intellectually during your conversations, it may suggest that their interest in pursuing a relationship with you is minimal.




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