If you are a poor person, I advise you not to have deep friendships.

8 min readMay 26, 2024

There is a question on the internet: Why can’t we associate with poor people?

One fan replied: Poor energy is like a virus and can be contagious.

If you get along with people with poor energy for a long time, their breath will be like a virus, contaminating you, eroding you, and destroying your originally beautiful life.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

1. Poor people’s mouths always dump garbage on you.

When Jason just returned from studying abroad, an old classmate came to see him.

I don’t want my classmates to start complaining as soon as they sit down.

The leader has no sense of responsibility, his wife is too nagging, and his children are disobedient… It seems as if all the negative energy in the world has gathered on him.

After a while, Jason was surprised to find that he also started to complain uncontrollably.

He immediately realized he was infected.

When things go wrong, you pour out your bitterness, and when you don’t get what you want, you complain negatively and blame your parents.

This is a poor mouth.




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