In the film “Maudie”, a staggering and sick woman transforms into the perfect woman in her husband’s heart

6 min readJan 1, 2024


The Canadian biographical film “The Painted Heart” has a Douban score of 9.0, directed by Aisling Walsh, starring: Sally Hawkins, Ethan Hawke, Kari Matchett, etc.

The film is adapted from a true story, describing Maud Lewis, a Canadian folk artist suffering from arthritis, her unremitting pursuit of art, and her relationship with her husband, who made a living through art and selling her works. Inspirational life.

Maud is inspirational because she overcame her physical illness and worked tirelessly to achieve great results to gain fame and wealth. What is valuable about her is that although she is suffering from illness, she does not feel sorry for herself, but faces life bravely and lives a down-to-earth and serious life.

Through an ordinary window, she discovers the beauty of the floating world and paints in her way to show the colorful world in her eyes. Use a paintbrush to decorate a dilapidated house into a warm home bit by bit, and use warmth to transform a straight man with a bad temper into an affectionate husband.

Reflecting on today’s contemporary people, facing the prosperous world, while enjoying themselves to the fullest, they are always full of anxiety but don’t know how to get rid of it. They are always afraid of missing the best, but they always fail to see the beauty around them.

Through the screen, we can feel the inspiration brought by Modi in the film: A person does not need too much to live, and he should bravely step out of his comfort zone to experience the joy of creation and discover the beauty of life.

Facing the pressure from work and life, and facing the scolding of your boss, you must know how to protect your dignity without being humble or arrogant; when success comes, you must stick to your true self and never forget your original intention.

Be brave and step out of your comfort zone

Maudie’s brother Charles was a very poor businessman. He privately sold the house left by his parents and fostered his sister, who suffered from severe arthritis and could not take care of herself, in the home of his aunt Ida.

Maud recognized her brother’s true identity and did not want to be dependent on anyone else. She had always been taken care of by her aunt. She found a job as a maid and left her aunt’s comfortable home to work at the home of her grumpy employer.

The employer, Everett, noticed that she was not walking normally and thought that the woman was sick and needed care and was unable to complete the work of a maid, so he rejected her application.

However, he was busy with work and lived in a very remote place, so he couldn’t find a more suitable candidate. Everett had no choice but to let her come on a trial basis for a while.

Aunt Ada didn’t believe that Maud was qualified for the job and threatened her not to come back until she left.

Maudi thought that because of her physical deformity, she would be pointed at and laughed at when she walked, and that children would throw stones at her, but she still bravely left her comfort zone, packed her belongings, and came to work at Everett’s house.

In her employer’s home, she let go of the mentality of being cared for, learned to take care of others, learned to take care of housework, and started painting in her free time to make her life better.

Everett despised Maudie in his heart and would slap her hard in front of his co-workers. Maud was able to stubbornly hold on to her dignity when faced with such humiliation; when she achieved success through unremitting efforts, she could not forget her original intention and hold on to true love. These are Maud’s shining points.

Dignity cannot be lost

People in the town rumored that Everett kept Maudie at home as his lover. But Everett coldly told Maudie: I am the first in this family, the dog is the second, the hen is the third, and you are the fourth, do you understand? If you don’t want to do it, leave!

One time his co-worker arrived and jokingly asked about their relationship. Maud invited the other party into the house to drink tea and said that the house was very comfortable.

Everett felt insulted and gave the talkative Maudie a hard slap in front of his co-workers and ordered her to return to the house!

Maudie returned to the house and cried. When Everett came back, he told her: I am the master here, and you have to listen to me. Do you understand? Maud knew there was no way out, but she didn’t want to wrong herself forever. She raised her head and retorted loudly: “Do you want me to stay? If you don’t want me to stay, give me my wages and I’ll leave right away!” The implication is, I will not give up my dignity and rely on you!

Everett didn’t answer because he wanted to return to a clean home with a bowl of hot food after a tiring day. He needed a woman to do the work, and no other woman wanted to come here.

As time passed, the two people living together began to get closer. Finally, Everett let go of his pride, married Maud and began a quiet, peaceful, and happy life.

Don’t forget your original intention to succeed

In her free time, Maud used paintings to decorate her dilapidated home and make it comfortable. A New York woman saw her paintings, admired them very much, and started to buy her paintings. Gradually, Modi became famous. More and more people saw her oil paintings. The paintings sold more and more, and the family’s income improved...

Vice President Nixon also bought her oil paintings, and the TV station also came to interview her. Maudi appeared on TV and became a household name. She finally succeeded.

Seeing that his wife was so popular, her husband Everett became inferior and thought that Maudie was very talented and could find a better man than him. Sooner or later, he would leave him and leave this home.

This is an idea that many people will have after their spouse becomes successful. The couple also had disagreements, and Maud ran away from home and lived with the woman in New York.

When her husband came to pick her up and expressed his inner worries, Maud said softly: “I don’t want much. You have given me everything I want. Why should I leave?”

After becoming successful, many people forget that they worked so hard in the first place, just to make their families live a better life, and allow their desires to expand and grow wildly, eventually pushing their loved ones into the abyss of pain.


When Maudie was seriously ill and about to die, her husband Everett said with emotion: “I don’t understand, how could I think you were imperfect in the first place?”

Maud, who had a deformed body, became a perfect woman in the eyes of her husband through her tenacious efforts.

Being brave and strong, being able to stick to your self-esteem when you are at a low point, and not forgetting your original intention after success are the principles that people can hardly stick to in the ups and downs of the world.

Maud, a little woman with a deformed body and a hobbled gait, was able to do the most difficult things for ordinary people, which is also a valuable feature of this film.

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