In the workplace, people must learn to be silent, not to speak, ask, or argue.

8 min readApr 9, 2024


As the saying goes, silence is golden.

In the workplace, if a person remains silent, others will regard him as mute.

Moreover, when I shirk the difficult work to him, I think he has acquiesced.

“Rabbits bite when they are angry.” A wise person should be silent when he should be silent, speak out when he should be, and be an honest person with an edge.

French thinker Montaigne once said: “Silence is more beneficial to social interaction than insincere words.”

In the workplace, if people make full use of the word “taciturn”, then “silence here is better than sound”.

Photo by Junior Moran on Unsplash

In the workplace, people should do “three things you don’t say”

At any time, words go through the brain. Otherwise, it will become nonsense and ambiguity will arise.


My friend William has been working for more than 20 years and has had seven or eight top leaders.

Among them, there is a relatively arbitrary leader. During meetings, he likes to ask, “Do you have any different opinions?”

If someone really puts forward a “different view”, the top leader will immediately look bad and will not adopt it.

William said: “ Whenever you go to the mountain, sing whatever song you want; when you meet your boss, just say what you say. Otherwise, no matter how good your suggestions are, they will be considered as arrogance.”

According to experience, “not telling” is the wisdom of seeing everything, and “telling” is the wisdom of grasping the scale. Each has its own merits.

1. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

In many workplaces, there is this “phenomenon”: whoever makes suggestions is responsible for implementing it; whoever reveals troubles is dealt with; whoever is more motivated to work has to work more and be responsible to the end. Of course, this kind of decision-making method has a lot to do with the boss’s work style.

If you speak without thinking of a “perfect solution,” your crooked idea may become your next work task, leaving you completely passive and vulnerable to beatings.

If you promise a few times but fail to deliver, your boss will never trust you again.

2. Don’t talk about personal family matters.

“It is difficult for an upright official to deal with family affairs.” Workplace and family are two completely different concepts. If you bring family conflicts to work, it will become a topic for others to talk about; if you reveal other people’s family affairs, you will offend others; Telling gossip about your boss is a very unwise thing to do.

Even though your boss often says that you should treat your workplace as a big family and love your workplace as much as you love your family. This is to encourage everyone to cherish their fate and not to take it too seriously.

3. Don’t tell me how much your salary is.

In many workplaces, there are many levels of employee wages. Especially in some large companies, the wages of bosses are several times that of ordinary employees.

Everyone has an idea of ​​the approximate salary, but you can’t discuss it in detail. If your salary is high, it will arouse the jealousy of others, which will lead to the destruction of the relationship network.

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

In the workplace, people should “not ask three questions”

Inquiring about the work situation of colleagues, caring about their families, asking about the intentions of the boss… These behaviors are common in the workplace.

However, some issues are very sensitive. As soon as you open your mouth, it shows that your character is very poor — you will not open the pot and pick up the pot. Treat some “open secrets” as secrets. The better you disguise them, the better it will be for yourself.

1. Regardless of personal connections.

Colleagues are not “open and frank” among themselves. They also form different circles. It is like there is an invisible wall blocking each circle.

The reason why some bosses can be promoted step by step is not because they are very capable, but because they rely on big trees and are often promoted. If you ask about his connections, others will think you are trying to “get in the way”.

The reason why some bosses can be promoted step by step is not because they are very capable, but because they rely on big trees and are often promoted. If you ask about his connections, others will think you are trying to “get in the way”.

If someone asks you, which boss are you related to? Do you have a personal relationship? You should do charades and get by. Telling the truth will embarrass your boss and make it difficult for him to protect you next time.

2. Don’t ask about work that has nothing to do with you

Some people like to “drop by” and often walk from their own offices to other people’s offices to chat. Always ask how others are doing at work.

On the surface, you care about your colleagues, but you will offend them. People with poor work performance are afraid of others asking questions; people who work hard have no time to answer questions and hate those who like to chat.

The most incredible thing is that some people who like to use the emotional card will immediately pretend to be aggrieved and assign work tasks as soon as others inquire about their work situation.

3. Don’t ask about the meal situation.

It’s almost time to get off work, and there will be a dinner party at the workplace. Who is going to accompany the guests and who is responsible for picking up and dropping off the guests are all arranged by the boss. If you are not involved and inquire about the situation very enthusiastically, it will arouse the resentment of your boss.

Just because you asked about the “dinner party” means that you want to participate. If you find out about some relatively hidden dinner parties, the people at the dinner parties will think that you are a “nosy” evil person.

If you are not invited to the dinner, then you are an outsider. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

In the workplace, people should practice “three non-defenses”

There is a saying I like very much: “Life is a process, why fight?”

Arguing with colleagues will mess up the relationship. In the future, when you get along with your colleagues, you will look at each other with big eyes and small eyes, which will make everyone feel unhappy.

People with great wisdom know how to “bear humiliation without making excuses” and use grievances to expand their minds.

1. When your boss criticizes you, don’t argue.

Many people have the habit of quibbling. If anything goes wrong, you should try your best to shirk responsibility so that you can escape.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. But when your boss criticizes you, you still have to quibble, which shows that you have no “hierarchy concept.”

Your attitude towards your boss directly affects your chances of promotion and salary increase. Even if your boss is wrong, you should take the initiative to say, “I was wrong.” One bow can make a good impression, so why not?

2. Don’t argue when your colleagues misunderstand you.

When people get along with each other for a long time, conflicts will inevitably arise. Your colleagues may dislike you and misunderstand you. If you “argue based on reason”, you will mess things up, and what is reasonable will become unreasonable.

For example, a colleague in the same office cannot turn on his computer and thinks that you are causing trouble. Instead of arguing, let your colleague get angry. After he finds the crux of the problem, the misunderstanding will be cleared up.

3. Don’t argue when your career is at a low point.

“A dog will bully a tiger”. Whether a person can be highly regarded in the workplace depends on his performance. Some people with poor grades are often looked down upon.

Don’t argue with people who look down on you because you are not strong enough. You have to learn to endure the humiliation and find ways to change yourself. If you make a comeback, others will naturally shut up.

Franklin said: “No animal is more diligent than the ant, but it is the most taciturn.”

The workplace is a big stage, and you have just a small role in it. People who are better at it than you can crush you in a matter of minutes. You have to keep a low profile, otherwise you will fall into the trap of “shooting the first bird.”

it is said: “Diseases enter through the mouth, and disasters come out of the mouth.” Only by taking care of your mouth can you be worry-free.

Understand that if you are not particularly talented, you can always be replaced. Therefore, in daily work, you have to lower your head to pull the car and look up at the road.

Work performance is your confidence, and a clear mind is your career path.

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