In the workplace, people must learn to be silent, not to speak, ask, or argue.

8 min readApr 9, 2024

As the saying goes, silence is golden.

In the workplace, if a person remains silent, others will regard him as mute.

Moreover, when I shirk the difficult work to him, I think he has acquiesced.

“Rabbits bite when they are angry.” A wise person should be silent when he should be silent, speak out when he should be, and be an honest person with an edge.

French thinker Montaigne once said: “Silence is more beneficial to social interaction than insincere words.”

In the workplace, if people make full use of the word “taciturn”, then “silence here is better than sound”.

Photo by Junior Moran on Unsplash

In the workplace, people should do “three things you don’t say”

At any time, words go through the brain. Otherwise, it will become nonsense and ambiguity will arise.


My friend William has been working for more than 20 years and has had seven or eight top leaders.

Among them, there is a relatively arbitrary leader. During meetings, he likes to ask, “Do you have any different opinions?”




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