In the workplace, truly smart people will pay attention to these five small details when dealing with leaders!

3 min readMay 9, 2024

In the workplace, truly smart people will pay attention to these five small details when dealing with leaders!

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

1. In terms of dressing style, try to be consistent with your leader. Leaders like people who have the same style as them. The same is true in the workplace. For example, if your boss likes to wear casual clothes, don’t always dress yourself too formally, especially in front of your boss. Of course, the prerequisite for maintaining a consistent style is that the leader cannot be overshadowed or overshadowed the leader. Otherwise, it will be too much.

2. The leader’s position must be addressed accurately. Each unit and company may have different names for leaders. If you are new to a place and are not sure how to address the leader, first call the leader by position, and then look at what other old colleagues call them, so that there will be no mistakes.

3. In the workplace, when entering someone else’s office, you must knock first, regardless of whether the door is open, ajar or closed. Especially in the leader’s office, one must obtain permission from the leader before entering. Moreover, when knocking on the door of the leader’s office, one should rhythmically knock three times. Knocking once is…




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