Is your money investment or waste? Beware 「Reward Consumption」Make you poorer and poorer

5 min readMar 5, 2024


Learn more about how to use money to 「 get more money and more money 」.

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

A free man who can break away from the money lock will spend money 「 let the money go out and return to himself in a way that adds value. 」If you spend money on goods or services that only the present can enjoy, it is just a pure consumption and waste. Conversely, if you spend money in a way that 「 may return to your side with monetary compensation in the future, it is an investment. 」

After understanding the differences between these two ways of spending money, the next time when you open your wallet to prepare for money, think about where the money is 「 where to use 」 ─ ─ consciously examine yourself 「 This matter is quite important.

What’s intriguing is that people who know how to make money often don’t know the difference between these two ways of spending money. They like the speed of consumption and waste, and therefore their behavior is affected by their mood without knowing how to Use money correctly.

Recalling that I just debuted as a mind reader, and often performed on TV shows during the period ── work trip full gear, the content of the show often violates my mind, and the accumulated pressure makes me almost breathless. Although my income is increasing, I don’t know how to use the money correctly.

Despite buying a bunch of books, there is no time to digest and absorb. There are more books on the shelf, and I am net for the sake of sight, and I will not even return home. So I met TV stations and friends from all walks of life and enjoyed the nightlife of the city

Because of this, I have made many rich people, many of whom are successful people in the IT field, stock market operators in the financial world, and young bosses who run real estate. These people are familiar with the method of making money and can earn millions or even tens of millions of yen every month.

They drive large-scale economic activities through a continuous business strategy and efficient way of working. This is a world I can’t imagine just leaving the university campus.

These business figures arrived at night, but they could spend 5 million yen without a plan in one night. This money is neither used in a commemorative event nor invested in a dinner party related to the next business. It is simply just for consumption to be happy ( waste ) behavior.

「 Using money 」 is a bad thing, really?

Others spend their own money. I had nothing to say three or four. But when I witnessed this way of using money, I still had a lot of doubts in my heart ──

Why do the images of these people have such a big drop during the day and night?The way they make money and spend money South ⁇ North Rut, the difficulty is to understand how to make money without knowing how to spend money?

In fact, this has an inseparable relationship with the source of attention 「willpower 」(Willpower).

Human 「willpower」 is actually a limited amount, when people use willpower in daily life, it will continue to decrease.

I think these people in the scold ⁇ mall have spent their willpower due to the most vividly displayed commercial wrists at work. After the following classes, there is no resistance to temptation, and you can only try to make judgments at every moment.

At the same time, having money makes them feel energetic. So they can spend 5 million yen without blinking in one night. This behavior is not a waste.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Of course, people who are capable of making such consumer behavior are not common in society. However, this consumption of 「 operation mode 」, its true general can be seen everywhere ──

‧1. After drinking with friends, although my stomach is not very hungry, I still eat a bowl of ramen;

‧2. After being busy with a case, on the night of the day, I accidentally bought a high amount of things on the Internet Road to reward myself;

‧3. Go to the department store special party with friends, because 「cheap」, 「If you don’t buy it today, you will lose money」 and buy a bunch of things you didn’t plan to buy;

‧4. Although still losing weight, he suddenly lost his heart and missed his high-calorie cake.

In daily life, this kind of 「 reward consumption 」 spends a lot of money. Although it varies from person to person, no matter how much money is spent, it is a way of using money that cannot be connected with the future.

Therefore, the 「 reward consumption 」 model is generally discouraged in society, and it is a police force to persuade the world 「 money to save flowers 」, 「 to start saving 」 from a young age.

Although the content of these workshop maxims is not wrong, it is also unknown when 「 spending money is a bad thing 」 this image is gradually gaining popularity.

This concept that binds people is a big misunderstanding of money.

If you have the idea that 「 spend money is a bad thing 」, it will make you lose deep thinking 「 how to use money. 」opportunity. Then you will turn your mind: 「 How to work hard to make money and save money? 」

Although this is not a bad thing, I hope you understand that humans are poorly resistant creatures. If you suppress yourself so much, once you reach a certain tipping point, people will still break free 「 spending money is a bad thing 」 such as restraint, raising their pressure through consumption.

So even if you study the method of making money seriously, As long as you don’t know how to use money correctly, the restlessness that accumulates in your heart will still be repeated in a way that 「consumption」(waste), so that you can’t keep your wealth.

Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

I think every day when you are spending money, you should realize: 「 Is this an investment in yourself? 」And learn more about how to use money. In this way, 「 healed money, healed money 」.

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