It turns out that talking about “money” can really tell a man’s story

8 min readApr 21, 2024


Some people say: “Whether a man loves you or not, you will know if he spends money on you once.”

Indeed, a man who truly loves you will be willing to pay for you and will not care about anything. As long as you have needs, he will find ways to do it for you.

On the contrary, a man who doesn’t love you will definitely be stingy with you, reluctant to give, and will care about everything with you.

In fact, no matter what kind of love, it is impossible not to talk about money. If a man deliberately avoids this, it means that he has reservations about you.

If a man leaves a way out for himself and is unwilling to spend any cost to get you, it means that he has fake love for you.

When a woman is dating a man, she must see his sincerity clearly. If she finds that he is particularly stingy towards you and unwilling to give, don’t accept him hastily.

After all, love is very important to women. Once you meet someone who is not kind to you, your body and mind will be seriously harmed.

Therefore, when talking about “money”, you can really understand a man clearly, mainly based on these three points:

Photo by Florian Kurrasch on Unsplash

1. Beautiful love requires a certain financial foundation

When dating a man, if he truly loves you, he will definitely give you a stable life and will not let you worry about gains and losses.

Therefore, he will make preparations in advance, work hard to save money, and have a certain financial foundation to protect his future life.

When getting along with you, he is willing to give to you and can take responsibility, hoping to give you a happy future.

Such a man always puts you in the most important position. To make you happy, he will work hard to create a stable life and give you the best sense of security.

On the contrary, if a man doesn’t love you, he won’t pay for you and has no plans. He will just play with you.

If you want him to spend money, he will definitely be very unhappy and even find many reasons to stall you.

Women should remember that love is not verbal romance, but the warmth that is implemented in the details of life.

A man is willing to pay for you, does not care about you, and takes the initiative to bear daily expenses. This is a sign of being responsible for you.

When you meet such a man, you must cherish him. He strives to give you the best life and just wants to walk into the future with you.

On the contrary, a man always makes blank promises to you but does not take any action and is not willing to spend an extra penny. This is a lack of love.

This kind of man most likely wants to marry you for nothing or play with your feelings. Once the novelty wears off, he won’t cherish you anymore.

Therefore, if you want to know if a man loves you, there is no need to test him. Just look at his attitude towards spending money for you. If love has no financial basis, it is not worth spending.

Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

2. Only by asking a man to spend money can you verify his sincerity.

In a relationship, talking about money can verify a man’s sincerity.

Whether two people can be together and have a happy future depends largely on whether they have money.

A man who truly loves you will definitely be responsible for you. He will save money as a guarantee for your future life so that you can always have a sense of security.

Moreover, in daily life, he will take the initiative to bear the expenses and try his best to provide you with a comfortable life guarantee.

When he gets along with you, he will also create some sense of ritual to make your life sweet and make the relationship more harmonious.

For example, he will take you out for a big meal, or take time to hang out with you. On important days, he will prepare exquisite gifts for you, etc.

If a man truly loves you, he will always think about you, never care about personal gains and losses, be very generous to you financially, and have the attitude and actions to love you.

On the contrary, if a man doesn’t love you and has never thought about a future with you, he will be very stingy towards you and unwilling to pay for you.

He will not take the initiative to give you a comfortable life, nor will he try his best to please you, nor will he cherish you.

Even if you take the initiative to ask him for some gifts, or ask him to pay for it when you go out, he will be very reluctant and will figure it out with you for any extra penny you spend.

Such a man just doesn’t want to pay, he just wants to get you at the lowest economic cost.

Women should remember that if a man does not pay any financial cost to you, he will not cherish you, because he will not feel sorry to lose you, so he will naturally not value you.

Only by making a man pay a huge financial cost will he not dare to lose you easily and will cherish you even more. This is also the “sunk cost” in psychology.

Therefore, talking about money can often verify a man’s sincerity. This is the truth. I hope women can understand and don’t give up blindly when interacting with men.

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3. A man who is reluctant to spend money on you just doesn’t love you.

My friend Ms. White and her husband have been married for more than three years. Their life is not happy, and they are becoming more and more disappointed in their husband.

When Ms. White married him, she asked him to buy a house, but her husband coaxed her and said that it would not be too late to buy it after she got married.

Ms. White loved her husband very much and believed in him. However, after getting married, her husband remained silent.

So, Ms. White urged her husband to buy a house again, hoping to have a warm home. However, her husband fell in love with a car and coaxed Ms. Lin to buy a car first and then a house.

For her husband’s sake, Ms. Whitecompromised again and let her husband buy a car. After a year of this, Ms. White fell in love with a house and asked her husband to buy it.

As a result, her husband still didn’t want to buy it and kept pushing back, which completely left Ms. White feeling chilled. In the end, Ms. Lin filed for divorce and did not want to continue living with him.

When her husband questioned Ms. White, Ms. White said calmly: “I have given in many times, but you never wanted to pay a little for me. Now I don’t want to follow you.”

The husband was speechless, the two of them got together and parted, and the marriage was shattered.

In fact, if a man doesn’t want to spend money on you, he actually doesn’t love you.

If a man really doesn’t have the financial means, it’s understandable, but if a man obviously has the financial means but doesn’t want to pay for you, this is a sign of not loving you.

Women must not be humble in relationships. If a man does not have a giving mentality, it is best not to date rashly.

After all, a man who only does a little bit for you and then says he loves you is not called love, that is called delay.

A man who truly loves you will definitely consider you, respect your opinions, and be willing to pay for you. This is what it means to love you.

On the contrary, men who don’t love you will always be stingy with you and not willing to spend an extra penny for you. They only care about themselves and never consider your feelings. This is proof of not loving you.

Women must not set limits on themselves when interacting with men. If you find that a man does not have the attitude and actions to love you, do not continue to pester him.

Only by not consuming yourself emotionally will you not be let down. I hope women can understand this.

Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

Emotional guru said: “Money is not the only criterion for testing true love, but it can measure the depth of the relationship between each other.”

Indeed, whether a man loves you or not can be seen from the way he spends money on you.

If a man only says he loves you but is not willing to pay for you financially, it means that you are not important to him.

To sum up, when talking about “money”, you can really see a man clearly, mainly based on these three points:

Beautiful love requires a certain financial foundation; only by letting a man spend money can you verify his sincerity; a man who is reluctant to spend money for you just doesn’t love you.

In relationships, women must pay more attention to the sincerity of men. If they are not fully sure, it is best not to give of themselves easily, so as not to meet someone unkindly.

In short, whether a man is sincere to you or not is basically clear after you talk to him about money once.

In the relationship between men and women, money is the “touchstone” to reveal whether a man loves you. How much he loves you is already obvious during the relationship.

Photo by Yasin Hoşgör on Unsplash

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