It turns out that talking about “money” can really tell a man’s story

8 min readApr 21, 2024

Some people say: “Whether a man loves you or not, you will know if he spends money on you once.”

Indeed, a man who truly loves you will be willing to pay for you and will not care about anything. As long as you have needs, he will find ways to do it for you.

On the contrary, a man who doesn’t love you will definitely be stingy with you, reluctant to give, and will care about everything with you.

In fact, no matter what kind of love, it is impossible not to talk about money. If a man deliberately avoids this, it means that he has reservations about you.

If a man leaves a way out for himself and is unwilling to spend any cost to get you, it means that he has fake love for you.

When a woman is dating a man, she must see his sincerity clearly. If she finds that he is particularly stingy towards you and unwilling to give, don’t accept him hastily.

After all, love is very important to women. Once you meet someone who is not kind to you, your body and mind will be seriously harmed.

Therefore, when talking about “money”, you can really understand a man clearly, mainly based on these three points:

Photo by Florian Kurrasch on Unsplash

1. Beautiful love requires a certain…




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