Just want to be ambiguous or really like you?

3 major signals will be verified in seconds and always complain to you = no chance of success

8 min readApr 27, 2024

Recently a boy said to me: “I have been ambiguous with a girl for about 3 months, and we chat every day. It feels very good. But now it seems that after the ambiguous period, there is nothing to talk about, and the relationship seems to have changed.” I’ve become cold, and I’m a little bit at a loss now.”

Photo by Mindy Sabiston on Unsplash

Does she not like me now?

Ambiguity and liking can exist in the same chain. From developing a good impression of a person to entering a romantic relationship with her, there will inevitably be a period of ambiguity in the middle. But ambiguity and liking are fundamentally different and cannot be equated. In life, each of us will have several friends of the opposite sex. Sometimes, if a girl talks to you too much, you may also have some thoughts: “Is she interested in me?” Otherwise, why would you chat with me so often? 》

If a girl chats with you so often, is there a sign that she likes you? The answer is: “Yes!” 』

Hey~ Hey~ Don’t be so anxious and happy! Because if a girl often chats with you to get to know you, first of all, she can be sure that she “likes” you. But is it possible that this…




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