Marriage gave you hints before betrayal happened

8 min readMay 23, 2024

“I never wanted to betray my marriage. I don’t know why I ended up like this, and I regret it very much”;

“I have always believed in my marriage. I never thought our marriage would come to this point. I never thought he would betray me” (he was referring to a third-party partner in general, without any gender specificity).

These two paragraphs come from different characters. The former is the party who betrays the marriage, and the latter is the party who suffers the pain of betrayal.

When a marriage encounters a betrayal crisis, and when betrayal brings pain and impact to an originally peaceful life, both parties may fall into corresponding doubts.

It seems that for both parties, betrayal in marriage is not a situation they are willing to face, and it is an obstacle that they did not expect in their original life plans.

So many times, they will become more entangled and confused about “why betrayal happened to them or in their marriage”.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

If we understand this problem clearly, we may find a better way to handle and deal with betrayal.

Did you never think that you would be betrayed, or that your marriage would be betrayed?




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