Need a new friend? Just stick a magnet on your body and see who attracts to you!

The magnetic field on your body determines who you will meet!

5 min readApr 10, 2024

It says: “The same voice corresponds to the same breath, and the same spirit seeks each other.”

Everyone has their own magnetic field around them, and all people and things are attracted by your magnetic field.

As the saying goes: “When the sycamore tree is planted, the golden phoenix will come.”

Good people always accompany people with high moral character, and good luck always accompanies them; villains always accompany people with sinister hearts, and bad luck is always with them.

What kind of magnetic field you have will determine the kind of people you will attract and the kind of life you will lead.

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

If you have kind thoughts in your heart, noble people will come to you

“The way of heaven has no relatives, but always associates with good people.”

Kindness is a reincarnation, and your kindness hides the noble people of your life.

The love and kindness you give will be given back to you when you are in trouble, helping you get out of danger and help you regain your life.




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