People with high energy are very sensitive to “people who consume them”! Hates being treated as a “tool”

10 min readApr 22, 2024

People with high energy have a strong sense of boundaries, and they will never be bad people.

If a person is always consumed and close to negative energy without boundaries, his energy will only weaken again and again. Unless he is a high-energy person like Mother Teresa, no one can stand it.

This is why I keep reminding you to stay away from negative energy. We really can’t bear it. You can’t pull him up, you will only sink with him unless the other person is also a high-energy person and wants to climb up himself.

This is not to ask everyone to abandon those with negative energy, but to remind those with negative energy to cheer up! Rely on yourself to improve your energy. When your energy rises, someone will naturally come to help you.

If you always say no, no way, impossible, this is a choice, not destiny. Destiny is created by yourself.

Everyone’s life is created by himself, and we cannot decide other people’s lives unless that person consciously requests it.

So, how do high-energy people deal with negative energy in relationships? Worth learning!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

People with high energy are very sensitive to…




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