People with high energy are very sensitive to “people who consume them”! Hates being treated as a “tool”

10 min readApr 22, 2024


People with high energy have a strong sense of boundaries, and they will never be bad people.

If a person is always consumed and close to negative energy without boundaries, his energy will only weaken again and again. Unless he is a high-energy person like Mother Teresa, no one can stand it.

This is why I keep reminding you to stay away from negative energy. We really can’t bear it. You can’t pull him up, you will only sink with him unless the other person is also a high-energy person and wants to climb up himself.

This is not to ask everyone to abandon those with negative energy, but to remind those with negative energy to cheer up! Rely on yourself to improve your energy. When your energy rises, someone will naturally come to help you.

If you always say no, no way, impossible, this is a choice, not destiny. Destiny is created by yourself.

Everyone’s life is created by himself, and we cannot decide other people’s lives unless that person consciously requests it.

So, how do high-energy people deal with negative energy in relationships? Worth learning!

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People with high energy are very sensitive to consumption

We are consumed, we are taken, we are eroded, and of course, we feel exhausted and frustrated.

But the problem lies not with others, but with ourselves.

If we cannot protect ourselves, anyone can come and consume us.

We must learn to protect ourselves. The way we treat ourselves will directly affect the attitude of others towards us.

If we continually seek to meet the needs of others, then others will naturally seek from us.

If we know how to love ourselves and maintain this attitude, then others will have to treat us in this way.

If you don’t treat yourself the way you would like others to treat you, you’ll never change things.

Your actions are the most powerful thoughts. If you don’t treat yourself with love and respect, you will send a signal that you are not important enough, you have no value, and you are not worthy.

This signal will continue to be sent, and you will encounter more people who treat you poorly. These people are just the result, your thoughts are the cause.

People with high energy hate being treated as tools. Once they find out that the other person has bad intentions, they will leave.

People with high energy are willing to give out energy, but when the other person takes the request for granted, they will abandon him mercilessly without any room for negotiation.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

In love, if a person with high energy finds that the other person doesn’t really love him, but just thinks that he has high energy and can benefit him, or he is hot and cold, often puts on a showy face, and always dislikes him, he will leave. .

If a friend talks sarcastically, likes to take advantage, always belittles himself, and likes to pry into gossip, which makes him feel uncomfortable and consumes his energy, he will stay away.

Even if it is a parent or relative, if the other person shows a strong desire to control, does not care about your feelings and interests, constantly throws troubles at you, and does not consider you, people with high energy will not be foolish and filial, but will protect themselves first.

People with high energy know that if this continues, not only will their relationship with the other person become worse and worse, but their own life will also go downward and become meaningless. It is better to quit and protect their energy.

Usually after doing this, if the other person still cherishes you, he will change the way he gets along with you, learn to respect you and treat you sincerely.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

It’s not that people with high energy don’t give, it’s that people with high energy depend on what the other person gives.

People with high energy must be willing to give and know how to be grateful. They are willing to share what they get, and the more they share, the more they get back! This is the law of the universe.

But they will pay according to the person, and if you give it to the wrong person, the better you are, the worse he will be. Women who have encountered a demanding scumbag know this! You obviously love him sincerely and think about him, but he takes all the benefits, has no consideration for you, and has no sense of gratitude.

As long as people are not on the same frequency as you and are not really doing things that can be on the same frequency as you, people with high energy will stay away from them.

Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

I also met a friend who also believed in the law of attraction. I was very happy to think that I had found someone on the same wavelength. At first, she acted very positive.

But people’s masks always fall off slowly. Later I found out that she often said bad things about people, forgot it, and would show me their photos directly. I knew that she was not a real high-energy person.

People who gossip have negative energy, and she kept inquiring into my privacy. I knew that if I trusted her, one day I would be the one being gossiped about in photos, so I had to stay away.

People with different frequencies often get close to you because of your high energy, and constantly ask for energy from you. They like the emotional value and wisdom you provide, but they do not treat you sincerely. Once they do not get the benefit, they will immediately change their attitude. .

No matter how much you have and how generous you are, you don’t want to be taken advantage of. People with high energy are not stingy, they just choose the right person to give to you. As long as you are worthy, he will continue to give, just like Baiying does to you. Since then, it has received recognition and positive feedback from many readers.

Makes me believe that creation is worth it. I am willing to write day after day and pay for you. Even if no one reads it and there is no reward, I will never stop.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

There will always be positive readers who give me very positive and exciting news, which makes me convinced that what I am doing is correct and resonates with them. Even if you have never left a message, as long as you have mindful thoughts towards me. , I will also receive it.

You can improve others, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept endless demands from others. Just like you care about your friend and are willing to listen to his complaints and bear his negative energy, the other person should also consider it for you, instead of saying the same thing day after day without any growth or change.

He just wanted to use you as a trash can, and he didn’t consider how bad you felt when you were used as a trash can. No matter how long you listen to a person like this, it will be useless. He is deeply troubled by karma and cannot extricate himself. It is not something you can change by yourself.

Although he is very pitiful, if you continue to help, you will be even more pitiful. You obviously have a good intention, but in the end, you end up as bad as him, because you hear and think about negative things every day, which will definitely change your view of life.

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

I hereby remind you, to dare to let others down! Refuse to consume negative energy! If you always worry about others being unhappy and make assumptions about them, you are letting them consume you.

Then you have to think about whether your energy is enough. In the end, your strength is exhausted and you lie on the ground. The other person pushes you with his feet and tells you to get up quickly and pay for him.

There is a great philanthropist who has been working hard to help poor children go to school. But one day he was exhausted and could no longer pay. He actually received many letters from parents scolding him for why he didn’t remit the money. Children can’t go to school!

He also needed money to cure himself at that time, but no one came to help him, not even visit or care.

This is the result of helping others unconditionally. You help others without asking for anything in return. You just hope that the other person will not repay kindness with evil, but often you are unable to do so.

I don’t think he will regret it, because he sincerely helps others and doesn’t ask for anything. What this story tells us is that you only have to pay what you can afford, and only help others if he leaves enough money for the family to live. , it should not be the case.

Unless you fill yourself up first, you have nothing to give to others. It should be natural for you to prioritize yourself and focus on your own joy first.

When you feel joy, without even thinking about giving, positive energy will naturally overflow from your body, benefiting everyone you come into contact with.

Always put other people’s feelings first, and one day you will find that he does not hesitate to ignore your feelings and do things you don’t like.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Stay away from people and things you feel uncomfortable with! But the premise is that your body and mind are sound, otherwise, if you lack love, most people will not like it! The result is that your world will eventually be empty.

People who judge reasonably and refuse decisively and have high energy seem to be in high spirits. Their eyes are bright, their complexion is good, and they have good physical strength.

Because he has been nourished by positive energy, he has a positive view of people and things and is also very positive about his own status and health. Of course, everything will develop for the better.

After being exposed to energy for a long time, Bai Ying found that she was becoming more and more sensitive to energy. When she saw someone, she could tell whether his energy level was high or low and whether he was suitable for getting close to him or not.

I recently came into contact with environmentally friendly enzymes. Among them is Dr. Le from Thailand, who is a well-known advocate in the enzyme industry. I found that she is very positive! Many people will question whether environmentally friendly enzymes are really that magical.

Dr. Brown tells everyone that you don’t need to self-certify and that you don’t make money from him. She even said, “You don’t have to believe me, just do it!” She firmly believes that after you do it and use it, you will naturally understand it.

She only hopes that her promotion will be good for the earth. She doesn’t want to spend more effort to explain to those who question it. Now that Baiying feels good to herself, she will naturally tell her friends, but if the other party doesn’t believe it, I’ll let it go. There’s no need to force it. , I just feel sorry for him.

Making environmentally friendly enzymes costs nothing and only takes a little time. The method is so simple, but the finished product is very useful. Many things require fate. If you are also interested, you can check more and try to make it. The discarded peel becomes a treasure.

Because of Dr. Brown’s positive attitude, I have a better impression of environmentally friendly enzymes. However, if I see other people’s outrageous claims, I will rationally judge and selectively believe that these people who are willing to contribute to the public have very high energy. !

Many people also advocate giving them love and gratitude when making enzymes. This is really interesting, and energy is originally used in this way.

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

When we talk about hobbies, we talk non-stop. I want to share this life experience with you. I am very happy that I have this hobby recently. In the past, the items produced by my hobbies had a time limit and would break down and deteriorate if kept for a long time.

But not this time! The longer you leave the enzyme, the better! It will only become more precious, which makes me very happy. Due to the platform regulations, I cannot write too much about the efficacy. You can search and research by yourself.

Many products from nature have strong energy! You can also work towards this if you want to increase your energy.

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