People with strong “lust” have these three signs on their bodies, so stay away if you encounter them!

4 min readApr 12, 2024

The most evil of all is sexual immorality.

“licentious” here means too much, too much, and does not mean lasciviousness.

The whole sentence is to say that excess and indulgence are the beginning of all evil.

In life, people with high levels of “lust” mostly have these three characteristics. If you encounter them, be sure to stay away!

Photo by josue rosales on Unsplash

01. Lack of self-control and drifting with the crowd

People with high levels of “lust” usually cannot control their desires and impulses, and always pursue immediate gratification while ignoring long-term interests and development.

They have a lazy attitude, follow the crowd, act impulsively, and only focus on the present. When faced with external temptations, they can easily fall into greed and be unable to extricate themselves.

They also lack a sense of responsibility and like to evade responsibilities and commitments. They are accustomed to relying on others in work, life, and interpersonal relationships, and they often fail to fulfill their promises.

Their behavior is often unpredictable, and they always pursue immediate




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