Relationship Killers: 5 Habits You Must Break Today!

4 min readJul 4, 2023

5 Habits That Ruin Relationships

Relationships are complex and delicate. They require effort, understanding, and compromise from both partners. However, there are certain habits that can unknowingly ruin relationships. In this article, we will explore five patterns that can have a detrimental effect on your relationships and provide insights on how to avoid them. Let’s dive in!

Photo by Adriana Aceves on Unsplash

1. Checking off the boxes

When it comes to dating, it’s natural to have certain preferences and deal-breakers. However, obsessively checking off a list of criteria can be counterproductive. While it’s important to know what you want and set boundaries, being too rigid in your expectations can sabotage a potentially great relationship. Remember that no one is perfect, and relationships involve two individuals with their own unique qualities and perspectives. Embrace the differences and be open to the idea of compromise.

2. Making it all about you

A healthy relationship should be a balance between individual needs and shared experiences. If you find yourself constantly prioritizing your own interests, manipulating arguments, or demanding your way, it’s time for self-reflection. Relationships thrive on mutual understanding and…




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