Research suggests that in matters of the heart, men who are “faithful” are the real champs of evolution!

2 min readApr 8, 2024
Photo by Erriko Boccia on Unsplash

If you’re thinking of not going solo forever, it’s time to amp up your inner and outer game to make that dreamy marriage happen.

Having some killer qualities gives you more options, so you can snag yourself an awesome partner!

Smart guys not only rake in the big bucks but also stay loyal. Cheating? Nah, that’s not their style. It’s like, why pay the price for a little fling when you can be smart about it, right?

Just a heads up, these research findings are like, probabilities. So don’t go saying, “Oh, my super-smart friend cheated once, so this is all bogus.” It’s all about the chances, you know?

So, the smart dudes? Turns out, they’re less likely to have secret rendezvous. Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa, the brainiac from the London School of Economics, found a cool link between IQ and loyalty. According to his study, guys loyal to their partners rock an average IQ of 103.

On the flip side, the not-so-loyal ones? They’re cruising at an average IQ of 97.

Diving into the lives of thousands of American folks, Dr. Kanazawa discovered that brainy guys are all about that one-on-one love. They resist the charms of other folks and tend to be pretty darn…




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