Revealing the two laws of life: the stronger your energy, the stronger your attraction

9 min readMay 12, 2024

The greater the energy, the greater the attraction

If you want to go to the suburbs, you can go back and forth after preparing three meals, and your stomach will be full when you come back; if you want to walk a hundred miles, you will have to spend one night preparing enough dry food; If you are going thousands of miles away, you need to prepare three months’ worth of dry food in advance.

This principle is very simple. Although most people now want to go far away, they can be reached quickly by train or plane. But “Zhuangzi” used this incident to trigger a thought: How far are you prepared to go? What kind of reserves of life supplies are you going to make for this?

Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

Your spirit needs to reserve energy

No matter how far you want to go, you must prepare appropriate food; if your heart wants to go very far, you need to store energy for your heart.

For example, when you are young, you can love many people. Later, you may only be able to love one person. Later, you may only be able to love yourself. In the end, many people may not even love you. It’s not that I don’t want to love, it’s that I don’t have the strength.




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