Soul Connection: 8 Telltale Signs You’ve Formed a Lifelong Friendship!

5 min readJul 5, 2023

8 Signs You’ve Made a Lifelong Friend

Friendship is a beautiful aspect of life that brings joy, support, and a sense of belonging. Having a lifelong friend is even more special and rewarding. These enduring relationships contribute significantly to our mental and physical well-being. In this article, we will explore eight signs that indicate you have made a lifelong friend. Let’s delve into the characteristics that define these remarkable bonds.

Photo by Ilya Shishikhin on Unsplash

1. You Can Confide in Them

One of the fundamental qualities of a lifelong friend is the ability to confide in them. Sharing your deepest thoughts, feelings, and secrets with someone requires trust and a sense of safety. A lifelong friend is someone with whom you feel comfortable being vulnerable, knowing that they will not judge you. When you can check all these boxes, it is a surefire way to discern a lifelong friend. The trust and acceptance you experience with them intensify your sense of purpose and belonging.

2. You Enjoy Similar Things

Lifelong friends often have shared interests and enjoy doing activities together. Whether it’s pursuing hobbies, studying similar subjects, or simply having common likes and dislikes…




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