Stuck in a Social Funk? Here’s How to Shake Things Up and Get Un-hazy!

4 min readApr 9, 2024

In life, we will inevitably encounter some difficulties, such as being isolated by the people around us. In this case, many people will choose to cater and gregarious to regain the recognition and acceptance of others. However, I think that when you are isolated by the people around you, don’t join the group, but maintain the following three mentalities, because this can help you better face difficulties and get out of the haze.

Photo by Diego San on Unsplash

First of all, maintain a confident attitude. Being isolated by the people around us may make us feel inferior and helpless, feeling that we cannot fit into the group and cannot be recognized by others. However, this is exactly when we need to stay confident. Self-confidence allows us to see our value, let us believe in our abilities, and give us the courage to face difficulties. When you are isolated by those around you, don’t doubt yourself, believe in your value and your ability to get out of trouble. Only by maintaining confidence can we better face the challenges of life and find a way out of difficulties.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Secondly, we must maintain an independent mentality. Being isolated from the people around us may…




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