1 min readDec 19, 2023


Thank you for taking the time to provide your honest feedback on my article. I appreciate direct critiques like yours, as it tells me clearly how some readers are interpreting my philosophies. You characterize my thinking as 'low-level', so I'm interested to better understand your perspective here.

When you say low-level thinking, can you elaborate on what exactly made you feel that way about my writing? Calling out any specific examples would help me to see my blindspots. I'm always aiming to develop deeper critical thinking skills and provide thoughtful analysis - so if parts came across as superficial, I want to improve.

My goal is to encourage open, solution-oriented dialogue through my work. If the ideas I presented lacked sophisticated reasoning in your view, I welcome any constructive input on elevating the discourse. There may also be positive intentions behind opinions we see as flawed on the surface. I took no offense from your critique, as growth comes from questioning assumptions.

In any case, thank you again for your candid feedback. Honest criticism forces me to clarify ambiguous messages and continually evolve as a thinker and writer. If you have time to expand on your specific concerns about the depth or complexity of my philosophies, I would appreciate hearing more.




Written by 2bebetter

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."

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