1 min readDec 19, 2023


Thank you for your feedback. Upon re-reading my article, I can certainly see how it came across with an air of elitism or looking down on others who may not have achieved certain career or financial successes. That was absolutely not my intent, but your comment makes it clear that the tone did not come across as inclusive as I had hoped.

You raise an excellent point in distinguishing between setting reasonable personal boundaries versus making judgments or assumptions about another's worth or values based on their level of achievement. I clearly need to separate those two concepts more distinctly. There is no reason setting personal priorities needs to equate to putting down others with different priorities.

Your feedback has given me important insight into how readers could interpret an implicit sense of superiority or exclusivity from my writing, which could understandably rub people the wrong way. I will apply greater self-awareness around my word choice and phrasing moving forward to ensure I communicate respect for diverse backgrounds, priorities and life circumstances. Please accept my appreciation for your comment shining light on this issue - it will positively shape my perspective.




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