The bed is the most powerful witness of adult love

7 min readMay 10, 2024


The American TV series “Sex and the City” once left a famous saying that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people: “How we behave in bed reflects how we live our lives.”

In my opinion, this sentence is undoubtedly a true portrayal of the relationship between the sexes.

In the world of love, the sweetness and harmony in life often complement the intimacy in bed.

When the lives of two people are full of happiness and sweetness, their intimacy in bed will be like glue and it is difficult to let go.

On the contrary, if they are alienated from each other in bed as if they are separated by a cold barrier, then it will be difficult for them to create the spark of love in life.

For adults, the bed is not only a place to rest but also a holy place to test the authenticity of love.

True love or fake love can be seen clearly from the bed.

When we want to know whether the person next to us has the same feelings as us, we don’t need to say much. We only need to spend some time together in bed to understand each other’s feelings.

Because true love is seen in bed, it is the most authentic and direct touchstone of love.

Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

1. Love or not, you will find out in bed

This love is not only a spiritual fit, but also a physical dependence.

Sleeping together in the same bed every night and falling asleep every night are daily reflections of their love. especially

It is the posture in sleep, and it silently tells the depth of the emotion between the two.

For emotionally weak couples, physical contact seems to have become a luxury.

Even if they sleep in the same bed, they may sleep back to back, as if separated by an insurmountable gap.

However, for two people who truly love each other, sleeping in each other’s arms is the most tender confession. They will involuntarily want to get close to each other, use hugs to convey love and make the two hearts more closely connected.

In addition to sleeping in each other’s arms, the little details before going to bed are also full of love. I am afraid that you will catch a cold, so I will tuck the quilt for you carefully; I am afraid that my snoring will affect you, so I will wait for you to fall asleep before falling asleep peacefully; I am afraid of the severe cold in winter, so I will warm the quilt for you in advance and cover your hands and feet with myself in his arms.

These seemingly insignificant actions are all manifestations of love.

Bed is the most powerful witness of love. Someone who truly loves you will take care of every detail of you in bed, care about your sleep quality, and pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the four seasons. People who don’t love you may regard you as transparent and even sleep in separate beds.

Therefore, if you want to know whether the other person really loves you, you only need to spend a night together in bed to understand each other’s feelings.

Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

2. Is it true? See people’s hearts before going to bed.

Have you ever had this experience:

In the dead of night, the two of you are sleeping in the same bed, but he is immersed in the world of his mobile phone, scrolling through videos, turning a deaf ear to your existence.

You are full of joy and want to share every bit of the day with him, but you only get his careless “um, oh, haha”, as if a basin of cold water has extinguished your enthusiasm.

When you tried to express your feelings, he responded with “I’m too tired, go to sleep.” In just a few words, the passion in your heart instantly cooled down.

“A person’s loneliness is not loneliness. A person looking for another person, a sentence looking for another sentence, is the real loneliness.” This is just right.

Even though we are lying on the same bed, there seems to be an invisible barrier between our hearts. He doesn’t want to cross it, and you can’t touch it. They were obviously covered with the same quilt, but although their bodies were warm, their hearts felt like they had fallen into an ice cellar, and it was bitingly cold.

He Jiong once said profoundly: “In a relationship, what matters is not appearance, nor bread, nor even loyalty, but sharing.”

When we put down the fatigue of the day and lie in bed, we need each other’s warmth and comfort.

Whether it’s daily fun things or future plans, we hope someone can share them with us and listen to each other.

True love should be about talking about everything and going back and forth, rather than a one-man show where every word is like a pebble thrown into the abyss, silently.

The reason why many relationships come to an end is often because both parties have nothing to say and communication becomes a burden to each other.

Good feelings gradually heat up through skin-to-skin contact and are sublimated through verbal conversations.

People who truly love you will cherish every night they spend with you, fall in love with you, share life with you, and become the support of your heart and the guardian of your feelings.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

3. Loyal or not, I will only sleep with you in my life.

As time goes by, it takes ten years to be in the same boat with you, and it takes a hundred years of accumulation to sleep with you.

The meeting of two people is like being singled out among the stars, and being able to sleep in the same bed is a rare blessing in the world.

I once read a sentence: “Those who want to have a body may not necessarily have a deep love; those who have a deep love will want to get it and want to keep it for the rest of their lives.”

If someone just wants to spend one night with you, it may be just a short-term impulse; but if he just wants to spend every night with you, it must be because of the deep and lasting love in his heart.

Bed is the holy place of love, where it can best demonstrate its unswerving loyalty.

True love is the unswerving choice to sleep with you, with only you in your eyes and no one else in your heart.

And those who keep saying “We will live and die together and grow old together” but frequently change bed partners, their love is just a castle in the air, illusory and unreal.

Someone who truly loves you will cherish you and respect you. His loyalty is not only reflected in words but also in actions. He will control his emotions, not act erratically, and will only be devoted to you.

You are the only one he can see, and his world is complete because of you.

As the ancients said: “In love, only those who are loyal can reap absolute true love.”

Love is not only romance and passion but also commitment and responsibility.

Loyalty is the cornerstone of love and the guarantee for two people to support each other and move forward hand in hand.

Adult love is often most truly reflected in bed.

That small bed carries the deepest love and emotion between two people.

If you want to know if a person is loyal and willing to be your haven, just observe his behavior in bed, that will be the most realistic portrayal.

Meeting is an arrangement of fate, and being together requires the efforts and dedication of both parties.

It’s not easy to find someone who truly loves you, and it’s even harder to find someone who is connected to your soul and willing to spend every night with you.

May you be able to meet the person who rubs your hair together and whispers to you before going to bed? May your love be as warm as the bed and as long as the night.

For the rest of your life, may you have true happiness and spend every sweet night with your lover.

Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

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