The best self-discipline for a person is not to go to bed early, make more money, or study hard, but…

5 min readMay 22, 2024

Napoleon once said:

“A person who can control his emotions is greater than a general who captures a city.”

Ability determines a person’s professional level, while emotion determines a person’s life level.

In life, faced with a series of problems such as daily work, trivial matters, and children’s education, if you do not have a stable mood, you may be on the verge of collapse at any time, which can easily lead to disaster.

Therefore, for adults to have stable emotions and self-discipline in life, it is necessary to set a “safety valve” for emotions.

The more people can control their emotions, the more they can control their lives.

Photo by Yanapi Senaud on Unsplash

Maintaining a stable mood is a person’s greatest self-discipline

“If you grasp your emotions, you grasp the essence of life.”

Only when you deal with things without emotions can you see the essence of the matter more easily and do things with less effort.

I very much agree with this sentence:

If a person is affecting your emotions, you need to focus on controlling your own…




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