The best state of life: being unable to fall in love with others

5 min readMay 4, 2024

The more someone you see, the less you see someone.

Photo by Léa Dubedout on Unsplash

Many people often lament: Why can’t I always meet someone I like very much?

It is a state of life that you have never met someone you like very much.

As the saying goes, “A wise man never falls in love.” A truly mature and complete person will no longer be lacking in his heart and often has no needs. He can be self-sufficient and enjoy himself.

And those people you like very much are often what you lack and yearn for most in your heart, so you are particularly excited and want to get them.

However, the more you care about something, the easier it is to control you.

Everyone likes things that are out of their reach. The people you like very much are often things you need to step on to reach, and many people can even reach them without stepping on them. In fact, she is just like you, pursuing something that is beyond her reach.

Even if she is lonely, moved, and moved by your enthusiasm, she stays with you.

You will fall into it soon, but she is not satisfied with you deep down after all. Once the affection starts to fail, she will get tired of you and start torturing you in different directions until you are…




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