The Deal Breakers:6 Turn-Offs You Need to Know!

5 min readJul 4, 2023


6 Unattractive Traits That Easily Turn People Off

In our interactions with others, we often strive to make a positive impression and be seen as attractive. However, there are certain traits that can easily turn people off. In this blog post, we will explore six unattractive traits that can have a negative impact on your relationships. By being aware of these traits, you can work towards healthier behavior and improve your connections with others.

Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

1. Being Rude to Service Staff

One of the most unattractive traits is being rude to service staff. How a person treats others, especially those in the service industry, can provide valuable insight into their character. The next time you’re on a date, pay attention to how your partner treats the waiter or waitress. Are they patient and kind, or do they complain and show impatience for no reason?

Being rude to service staff is a clear giveaway of one’s lack of patience and how they handle conflict. It reflects poorly on their character and is highly unattractive. On the other hand, someone who is patient and kind to the waiter, even in challenging situations, demonstrates attractive qualities such as empathy and respect.

2. Being Distant and Skipping Class

According to a study conducted by psychologists Richard Morland and Scott Beech in 1992, the fewer school classes you attend, the less attractive you are perceived to be. The study involved four women enrolled in a large psychology course, and students were asked to rate their attractiveness at the end of each semester. The results showed that the women who attended fewer classes were perceived as more unattractive.

When you consistently skip class or choose to be distant, you miss out on opportunities to make yourself known and establish connections with others. Showing up to class not only contributes to your personal growth and academic success but also increases your attractiveness in the eyes of your peers. So, make an effort to be present and engaged in your educational journey.

3. Being Overly Critical

Have you ever encountered someone who is overly critical? These individuals constantly find fault with others and are quick to pass judgment. According to psychiatrist Ralph Ryback, critics can bring toxicity into a relationship by insulting beliefs, appearance, and thoughts. Their behavior often stems from low self-esteem and a desire for control.

Being overly critical is a highly unattractive trait. It creates a negative and judgmental environment that hampers open communication and emotional connection. Instead, strive to cultivate a more accepting and supportive attitude towards others. Embrace diversity of opinions and focus on constructive feedback rather than criticism.

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4. Being Too Clingy

While seeking closeness and connection is natural, being excessively clingy can be a major turn-off. A study conducted by social psychologists from the University of California San Diego revealed that clingy behavior is often seen as unattractive. The researchers explored the relationship between physical proximity and the likelihood of individuals being chosen as friends or enemies.

It was found that individuals who met face-to-face frequently were perceived as more attractive. However, those who were constantly clinging and dependent on others were less desirable. To maintain a healthy and attractive relationship, it is important to strike a balance between spending time with your partner and maintaining your individuality. Focus on personal growth, nurture your own interests, and create a well-rounded life.

5. Frequent Jealousy and Controlling Behavior

Jealousy and controlling behavior are detrimental to any relationship. People who exhibit frequent jealousy often do so out of fear that their partner will lose interest or leave them. This controlling behavior

becomes a mechanism to hold onto the relationship tightly. However, it is important to understand that this behavior is unhealthy, dangerous, and unattractive.

A truly attractive trait in a relationship is trust and respect. Instead of succumbing to jealousy, focus on building trust and open communication with your partner. Embrace individuality and encourage each other’s personal growth. Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, freedom, and support.

6. Passive Aggressiveness

Passive aggression is another common trait that is a major turn-off for people. When someone is passive-aggressive, they express negative feelings indirectly rather than addressing them directly. This can manifest through sarcasm, covert revenge plotting, or insisting that nothing is wrong while displaying angry expressions.

Passive-aggressive behavior hinders effective communication and creates an environment of tension and confusion. In contrast, open and honest communication is vital for any healthy relationship. Express your feelings directly and constructively, and avoid resorting to covert methods of expressing anger or frustration.

Photo by Tony Detroit on Unsplash

In conclusion, there are several unattractive traits that can easily turn people off. Being rude to service staff, distant and skipping class, overly critical, too clingy, exhibiting frequent jealousy and controlling behavior, and being passive-aggressive are behaviors that can harm relationships and hinder personal growth.

By recognizing these traits and working towards healthier behavior, you can improve your connections with others and foster more positive and fulfilling relationships. Remember, open communication, respect, and personal growth are the foundations of attractive qualities.

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